factoid in English

a brief or trivial item of news or information.
A repetitive set-top game called Search for the Spear of Destiny requires a beginner's level of dexterity, and delivers trivial lost-civilization factoids as reward cookies for successful play.

Use "factoid" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "factoid" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "factoid", or refer to the context using the word "factoid" in the English Dictionary.

1. Random Arien Factoid: According to the 1981 U.S

2. In 1993, William Safire identified several contrasting senses of factoid: "factoid: accusatory: misinformation purporting to be factual; or, a phony statistic." "factoid: neutral: seemingly though not necessarily factual" "factoid: (the CNN version): a little-known bit of information; trivial but interesting data."

3. Here's a pop factoid for you.

4. Here's another subtle yet important factoid.

5. Random Blasa Factoid: According to the 1935 U.S

6. Random Alean Factoid: According to the 1917 U.S

7. Random Alaric Factoid: According to the 2018 U.S

8. Random Arvel Factoid: According to the 1913 U.S

9. Random Brendin Factoid: According to the 1998 U.S

10. Random Byran Factoid: According to the 1993 U.S

11. Random Addam Factoid: According to the 1980 U.S

12. Random Arish Factoid: According to the 2018 U.S

13. Random Adonna Factoid: According to the 1969 U.S

14. Random Beryle Factoid: According to the 1921 U.S

15. Random Benjamen Factoid: According to the 1984 U.S

16. Random Alvie Factoid: According to the 1929 U.S

17. Random Ailin Factoid: According to the 2012 U.S

18. Random Aliyah Factoid: According to the 2009 U.S

19. Random Amere Factoid: According to the 2017 U.S

20. The myth is not simply a static, misunderstood factoid.

21. 18 Adopt a snow leopard. Factoid: Snow leopards can leap nearly six times their body length.

22. Futuristic Factoid: This creature slurps algae and breathes through long, brightly colored gills.

23. Adopt a koala. Factoid: There are only an estimated 000 to 000 koalas living in the wild today.

24. Though I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed of this factoid.

25. Unfortunately, teenage viewers may not understand the joke since the size of North Korea is not a factoid in gameland.

26. Adopt an elephant. Factoid: Just like humans, elephants are known to experience feelings of grief and empathy.

27. Freaky factoid: The suppressed genes "are closely related to Hox genes, which play a similar role in humans."

28. Adopt a polar bear. Factoid: These animals are highly nomadic, but scientists estimate that 60 percent of polar bears live in Canada.

29. Meers shared this factoid privately, and she lays it all out in her book, in a section called "When He Does Windows..."

30. As a bonus, in researching this little factoid I discovered a new word I hadn't known before; kerf.

31. QA research attempts to deal with a wide range of question types including: factoid, list, definition, how, why, hypothetical, semantically-constrained, and cross-lingual questions.

32. We expect somebody supporting a candidate running against Carroll next year to attempt to use this ancient factoid against him.

33. They have become so ubiquitous that no one, no matter how hard he or she tries, can avoid learning some useless factoid about the latest television "star.

34. My sons seem to think magnetic technology is the state of the art. I'm not sure where they got this factoid, but it sounded good to me.

35. As a bonus, in researching this little factoid I discovered a new word I hadn't known before; kerf. When you cut up a log into boards the thickness of your saw matters.

36. I don't know how many women the writer interviewed to come up with this little factoid, but I have never heard of a single woman who said they were attracted first to a guy's abs.

37. Although chocolate is considered as an exceptional food, Comprered [sic] to one of the seven deadly sins, which provides pleasures and benefits, to justify our implicit passion! Here’s an interesting factoid from the grove: Belgium consumes the most chocolate of …