factions in English

a small, organized, dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics.
the left-wing faction of the party
a literary and cinematic genre in which real events are used as a basis for a fictional narrative or dramatization.
No, I'll tell you several stories that will help explain the difference between fact and fiction and its composite, faction .

Use "factions" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "factions" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "factions", or refer to the context using the word "factions" in the English Dictionary.

1. Involved factions are Israel and Egypt.

2. Buddhist monks led several of these factions.

3. Factions within the Assembly began to clarify.

4. Context example: Antipathetic factions within the party

5. THE RELIGIOUS SCENE: Churches back factions in war.

6. There was acrimony, warring factions in the team.

7. The Romanian tennis authority split into two factions.

8. The gens also lives on in the " factions. "

9. • Negotiators were called in to Conciliate the warring factions

10. Negotiators were called in to conciliate the warring factions.

11. Different agents and technologies are implemented for different factions.

12. The concurrence of several factions got the bill passed.

13. 17 A separation into subgroups or factions; a schism.

14. Opposing factions on the committee are refusing to compromise.

15. • Negotiators were called in to Conciliate the warring factions

16. The factions kept Chicago peaceful for a long time.

17. 1 The opinions of the two factions are diverse.

18. There are signs of rapprochement between the warring factions.

19. Troops moved in Thursday to disengage the two warring factions.

20. Adventurers remain very loyal to their home factions, however, and …

21. Collin's sect survives, divided into different factions, to this day.

22. Parties became associated with warring political factions in neighboring Argentina.

23. The rebel factions made common cause to overthrow the regime.

24. The Labour Party, he said, had disintegrated into warring factions.

25. 6 Negotiators were called in to conciliate the warring factions.

26. Separate meetings had been convoked by the two opposing factions.

27. Ambushing is a tactic used by generals of all the factions

28. • Denial of access to humanitarian organizations by warring factions is unacceptable

29. Remember, the founders were the ones who divided us into Factions.

30. There now seems little chance of rapprochement between the warring factions.

31. Set in the Three Kingdoms period, players control one of the game's eleven factions, who must eliminate other factions, unify China and become its ultimate ruler.

32. A ceasefire has been agreed by the country's three warring factions.

33. Unlike most factions, the Brood of Nozdormu has no designated Quartermaster

34. The Automatons are one of the playable factions in Endless Space

35. In the interests of the nation, both factions agreed to compromise.

36. Traveler aircraft are cheaper compared to the other two Scrin factions.

37. A two-week armistice has been declared between the rival factions.

38. His closest advisors formed two factions, portending the First Party System.

39. However, some members of the congregation in ancient Corinth were creating factions.

40. Constantine assembled scholars of various factions at Nicaea in the year 325.

41. Since then, factions of moderates and hardliners have battled within the movement.

42. Some, like MArcomage, have expanded Arcomage and added new cards, effects, and factions.

43. War between Boppist and anti-Boppist factions was almost political in its defenses

44. But what he wound up doing was splitting the family into dual factions.

45. 11 Popular suffrage meant that rival factions would shout for their own candidate.

46. A midway path is chosen between the diverging aspirations of the two factions.

47. New proposals have been put forward to break the deadlock among rival factions.

48. Factions previously at war with one another are now united against the common enemy.

49. An Abhorrence of concession and compromise is a never failing characteristic of religious factions

50. A peace agreement will be signed by the leaders of the country's warring factions.