Use "factitious" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "factitious" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "factitious", or refer to the context using the word "factitious" in the English Dictionary.

1. Factitious what wants to cry?

2. Factitious what can feel tiredly occasionally?

3. The factitious what of guttural cancer often coughs?

4. Factitious what has a nose two eyes?

5. The outcry was, to a certain extent, factitious.

6. When factitious what has is the meeting special brokenhearted?

7. Factitious what is occasionally is affection respect late blunt?

8. Factitious what always wants to bring vexation on self, how should do?

9. Aweto is absolutely natural, wild and fresh without any factitious processing.

10. The problem end of factitious error rises is quality problem.

11. Factitious what should be always used forget go explaining sadness?

12. Extensive advertising can cause a factitious demand for an article.

13. He has invented a wholly factitious story about his past.

14. Female factitious what produces excitement more easily after menstruation to sexual love?

15. Among these reasons, political and factitious ones are the most important.

16. Factitious what be fed up with with like these two kinds of moods that?

17. Factitious what has so much vexed thing? How is ability happy?

18. Factitious what is anaemic? What symptom does anaemia have? How to treat anaemia?

19. Every brainworker has his habit that use a brain, go down to form factitious section law continuously, so called " motivation finalizes the design " .

20. A compound suffix in adjectives of Latin origin, as in Adscriptitious, adventitious, commentitious, oonductitious, factitious, fictitious, supposititious, etc., or formed on the Latin type, as abstractions, adscititious

21. Revolutions spring not from accident, but from necessity. A revolution is a return from the factitious to the real. It takes place because it must. Victor Hugo 

22. Have a netizen more point out, some are factitious the game integral in obtaining more SNS website and check the number, add hold a few plug-in unit , your integral rises quickly.