extended family in English

a family that extends beyond the nuclear family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives, who all live nearby or in one household.
In 1996, 21% of all people were living as a part of an extended family .

Use "extended family" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "extended family" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "extended family", or refer to the context using the word "extended family" in the English Dictionary.

1. Everybody here is like an extended family.

2. Altruist is synonymous with my extended family

3. My extended family usually gets together at holidays.

4. The Wongs have a very large extended family.

5. Selecting Mode of Transportation And Extended Family members

6. The society has become a great extended family.

7. No friends, no extended family, and no American football!

8. She and her extended family live in close quarters.

9. She grew up surrounded by a large extended family.

10. Erin’s story shows how Billets are an extended family for

11. Search out and perform temple ordinances for extended family members.

12. We rented Conched Out for our extended family vacation with 11 people

13. Assiniboine political and social structures are based on an extended family system

14. Family life today is likely to be affected by the extended family.

15. Living away from each other, the extended family has been blown apart.

16. The role of the extended family has been decaying for some time.

17. • Additional days for member/authorized dependant/Extended Family - 65% of the daily meal rate

18. Care within the extended family often flows from the oldest generation to the youngest.

19. Consanguineous couples more frequently lived in smaller towns and in an extended family environment

20. He was raised by an extended family of missionaries and pastors in a Christian church.

21. He lived with his extended family, but their house got bombed early in the war.

22. She died in 1942, and Kabo's extended family paid her school tuition to honor her mother.

23. His total disinterest in the machinations of money bewildered his brothers, his father and extended family.

24. I worry because all around me, even within my extended family, I see religion being manipulated.

25. Second, the extended family counts for relatively less and the immediate nuclear family for relatively more.

26. New friends partly substitute for an extended family and help with the adjustment to the newborn.

27. Mary Leapor was an only child, but she grew up surrounded by a large extended family.

28. Well, those of his extended family that he's on speaking terms with at any given time.

29. His early years there were spent in a squat with an extended family of cartoon sociopaths.

30. Those who did not become part of this extended family were deprived of power and prestige.

31. 7 His total disinterest in the machinations of money bewildered his brothers, his father and extended family.

32. Fifi and Manuel steal off for some private time from the watchful eyes of the extended family.

33. The elderly are, therefore, still involved in extended family relationships, a point taken up again in section

34. Berber society is centered around the concept of the tribe, which is usually composed of extended family clans

35. Of these patients, 62 % were women who were often single parents and the breadwinners of an extended family.

36. 23 The guiltless freedom and profound family security that Maddy and Patrick enjoy speak eloquently for extended family.

37. The sociological debate about the relationship of the nuclear to the extended family has also swayed back and forth.

38. The city or suburban dwellings of the new class were at first too small to accommodate the extended family.

39. Pretty and earthy, she can be aggressive or retreat believably, and has some nice scenes with her extended family.

40. One good thing is that the extended family of toothless hillbillies who used to live down the street moved away.

41. Extended families seldom live together in Britain, but the interaction between members of the extended family is likely to be important.

42. The men found work driving taxis to support an extended family with 15 members crammed into one small first-floor apartment.

43. For many years I was conscious that I was the first woman in my very large extended family to do this.

44. They recognized Nurhaci as Khan, and in return leading lineages of those groups were titled by Nurhaci and married with his extended family.

45. The Ó h-Anluain (anglicised as O'Hanlon) family was an Agnatic extended family comprising one of a string of dynasts along the Ulster-Leinster border

46. In some areas, members of the extended family generally expect to be paid a large amount of money in advance of negotiations about the actual bride-price.

47. 7 Where previously he posted lots of photos without restrictions so even the more technophobe members of his extended family could see them, now he's more cautious.

48. Enhance your knowledge about the Arabian breed through AHA's extended family of club affiliates and access a whole new world of Arabian horses and those who love them.

49. Many such may have preferred to join their fathers' old regiments, which were a kind of extended family to them, rather than join a much larger, unfamiliar legion.

50. (Lu 1:58; 21:16; Ac 10:24; Ro 9:3) Both terms refer to a relative in general, someone belonging to the same extended family or clan.