enriched uranium in English

processed radioactive element used in nuclear reactors and atomic bombs

Use "enriched uranium" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "enriched uranium" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "enriched uranium", or refer to the context using the word "enriched uranium" in the English Dictionary.


2. The warhead contains 14.5 kilograms of enriched uranium... and a plutonium trigger.

3. The submarines are powered by a pressurised water reactor with highly enriched uranium fuel.

4. After upgrades to the research reactor, the fuels now used are IRT-2M-type assemblies of 36% and 80% highly enriched uranium.

5. 8 Ham-fisted attempts by Brazil and Turkey to revive the deal would have provided Iran with 20%-enriched uranium but brought none of the other benefits.

6. Question: Earlier, Russian Ambassador-at-Large Grigory Berdennikov said the issue of the Iranian-Russian agreement on sending low-enriched uranium to Russia remains open as the experts work on it.

7. During the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, huge stockpiles of uranium were amassed and tens of thousands of nuclear weapons were created using enriched uranium and plutonium made from uranium.

8. A Criticality accident is an uncontrolled nuclear fission chain reaction.It is sometimes referred to as a critical excursion, critical power excursion, or divergent chain reaction.Any such event involves the unintended accumulation or arrangement of a critical mass of fissile material, for example enriched uranium or plutonium.Criticality accidents can release potentially fatal radiation doses

9. (b) Iran is to take the following voluntary measures: reduce the existing stockpile of 20% enriched uranium, stop enrichment of Uranium to 20% for six months; stop installation of new centrifuges or activation of already installed new centrifuges for uranium enrichment at Natanz and Fordow or new locations for enrichment; freeze its existing stockpile of low-enriched fuel, halt construction on the core of the Arak research reactor and not construct any reprocessing facility; and accept enhanced monitoring of its nuclear fuel cycle activity.

10. In light of the shocking recent admission by Abul Qadeer Khan, the recently-resigned chief scientific advisor to the President of Pakistan, that he organised a nuclear weapons procurement and sales network, secretly selling nuclear weapons components to Iran, Libya, and North Korea, will the Presidency take urgent steps to halt the export from European Union Member States of nuclear weapons-useable nuclear materials, including plutonium from sites such as Sellafield and highly enriched uranium, at least until the extent of the illicit procurement of nuclear explosive capability has been properly established?