enron in English


Enron Corporation, former United States energy commodity and service company which declared bankruptcy in late 2001

Use "enron" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "enron" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "enron", or refer to the context using the word "enron" in the English Dictionary.

1. Question: Case 1 – Enron: Were They The Crookedest Guys In The Room?(30 Points) Read “Enron: Were They The Crookedest Guys In The Room?” Pages 265-283 In Understanding Business Ethics

2. The study found that Enron was a major donor to Sen.

3. So it was with Enron, which Alchemized assets into trading chips of seemingly limitless potential

4. The site allowed Enron to transact with participants in the global energy markets.

5. In Houston, we're trying to figure out what to do with that Enron Stadium thing.

6. Portland General will become one of five business units at Enron, which has 000 employees worldwide.

7. However, Enron did not want to show any debt from assuming CalPERS' stake in JEDI on its balance sheet.

8. In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive included Enron among its five best boards.

9. The PPA also stipulates that Enron ' s power would be indexed to the dollar and oil prices .

10. 29 The seven - page memo a gun in the unfolding investigation of alleged financial chicanery at Enron.

11. In addition to being the largest bankruptcy reorganization in American history, the Enron scandal undoubtedly is the biggest audit failure.

12. Enron initially planned to retain its three domestic pipeline companies as well as most of its overseas assets.

13. Walavalkar said Enron told the government it wanted to complete the paperwork for reviving the project by Feb.

14. But now that confronting Enron has captured the necessary headlines, the deal is quietly being put back together again.

15. On October 16, 2001, Enron announced that restatements to its financial statements for years 1997 to 2000 were necessary to correct accounting violations.

16. Only last month the voltage frequency shot up to the levels where the tripping of Enron ' s phase II power plant seemed a possibility .

17. Off-balance sheet entities were also used by Enron as part of the scandal that brought down that company in 2001.

18. By promoting the company's aggressive investment strategy, he helped make Enron the biggest wholesaler of gas and electricity, trading over $27 billion per quarter.

19. On October 15, Vinson & Elkins announced that Enron had done nothing wrong in its accounting practices as Andersen had approved each issue.

20. Although Michael Kopper worked at Enron for more than seven years, Lay did not know of Kopper even after the company's bankruptcy.

21. After a series of revelations involving irregular accounting procedures conducted throughout the 1990s, Enron filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in December 2001.

22. The executives and insiders at Enron knew about the offshore accounts that were hiding losses for the company; the investors, however, did not.

23. Enron’s “culture of Arrogance” is now infamous, with one former employee stating that “There’s no question that Enron people arrogantly thought they were smarter than everybody else.”

24. Along the way it Ascribes some very Enron-like machinations to nursing home ownership, such as self-dealing and related party transactions, that the magazine …

25. The situation was not helped by the disclosure that Lay, his "reputation in tatters", stood to receive a payment of $60 million as a change-of-control fee subsequent to the Dynegy acquisition, while many Enron employees had seen their retirement accounts, which were based largely on Enron stock, ravaged as the price decreased 90% in a year.

26. One analyst called the deal "a whopper ... a very good deal financially, certainly should be a good deal strategically, and provides some immediate balance-sheet backstop for Enron."

27. Two years later, the entity's arrangement was changed so that it would no longer be consolidated with Enron and be counted on the company's balance sheet.

28. Skilling's arrogance(Sentencedict.com ), belligerence and lack of contriteness under questioning made him a lightning rod for the rage generated after Enron sought bankruptcy protection in 200

29. In addition, after news of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigations of Enron were made public, Andersen would later shred several tons of relevant documents and delete nearly 30,000 e-mails and computer files, causing accusations of a cover-up.

30. Even with its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."

31. Although trading companies such as Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch used the conventional "agent model" for reporting revenue (where only the trading or brokerage fee would be reported as revenue), Enron instead selected to report the entire value of each of its trades as revenue.

32. Set aside the usual circus ring tricks of political Chicanery.: The social stigma of losing necessitated strategy, even Chicanery.: Fans of today adore the cheaters of the past, precisely because of their Chicanery.: A CBS movie revisits Enron, with all its Chicanery, flimflam, excess, hanky-panky, and its descent into the dark, if darkly comic, side of capitalism.