inquired in English

ask for information from someone.
“How well do you know Berlin?” he inquired of Hencke
synonyms:askmake inquiriesquestion someonerequest/solicit information
investigate; look into.
the task of political sociology is to inquire into the causes of political events
synonyms:investigateconduct an inquiry into/about/regardingprobelook intoresearchexamineexploredelve intostudycheck out

Use "inquired" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "inquired" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "inquired", or refer to the context using the word "inquired" in the English Dictionary.

1. He inquired after your health.

2. She inquired after your mother.

3. Finally, Miranda inquired after Scott.

4. Miss Pross inquired, with placidity.

5. She inquired after my mother's health.

6. You had inquired about an addendum.

7. She inquired after his grandfather's health.

8. He inquired for the book in a bookstore.

9. Mrs. White inquired , regarding her husband closely .

10. The pilot inquired about the weather condition.

11. He inquired into his visitors'problems with disarming frankness.

12. 21 The director inquired of me about / concerning our work.

13. In her reply, she inquired: “Are you a pioneer?”

14. "Did you ever raise money illegally?" the interviewer inquired.

15. Before setting off, they inquired about the weather condition.

16. 4 She inquired indiscreetly after the state of his health.

17. He also inquired about the Pope and Church in Rome.

18. He inquired after you after he learned the bad news.

19. She inquired of me most politely whether I wished to continue.

20. 8 David inquired of Jehovah:+ “Should I chase after this marauder band?

21. I never inquired after Jean-Claude and I never heard from him.

22. And as I leaned up to the fireplace, bmother inquired what the matter was.

23. Ron says, “We inquired about the cost of purchasing the cold-chain supply items.

24. 30 " What does he put sackcloth and ashes on his head for? " inquired Huck.

25. As we approached the workshop entrance, a man inquired if he could help us.

26. After the hunchback had made the fire for me I inquired about the grub.

27. Jehovah’s prophet inquired: “Can a Cushite change his skin? or a leopard its spots?

28. Perhaps others inquired of Zechariah about this by making a sign or a gesture.

29. And as I leaned up to the fireplace, mother inquired what the matter was.

30. Muriel inquired after their day and received polite but monosyllabic replies from each of them.

31. At length I inquired, “When was the last time you had a letter from home?”

32. I inquired of Jehovah, and he answered me, and out of all my frights he delivered me.

33. Lewis formed an interrogatory when he inquired as to the possibility of RB's tire pressure being Askanced

34. 24 The stewards should at least have inquired into Spritsail's dramatic resurgence as a public-relations exercise.

35. A little later another teacher, who was passing by, noticed the excitement in the classroom and inquired what was happening.

36. India was concerned about human rights abuses by business corporations and inquired about the United States’ position on its Alien Tort Claims Act.

37. He also mentioned that some local residents in the area around the stadium had inquired regarding the nature of the program.

38. " When they have no leaves and look gray and brown and dry, how can you tell whether they are dead or alive? " inquired Mary.

39. 22 And the king inquired of Ammon if it were his desire to dwell in the land among the Lamanites, or among his people.

40. 27 He did not decline the invitation. Instead, he put it off with vagueness and indefiniteness and inquired after the family, particularly after Mrs.

41. I knew CBI was different from other Boatyards when I inquired about space availability and was told I could be placed on the waiting list

42. Conjurers (7 Occurrences) Daniel 1:20 In every matter of wisdom and understanding, concerning which the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than …

43. Assembling (11 Occurrences) Matthew 2:4 and, Assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ should be born

44. The credit bureau's theory is it would be unfair to penalize a person who hadn't inquired about a credit purchase and had no control of receiving the unsolicited offer.

45. 12 And it came to pass that they inquired among the people, saying: Where are the five who were sent to inquire concerning the chief judge whether he was dead?

46. ‘Full of insinuations & Averments’ — EC responds to TMC’s memorandum over Mamata’s injuries The EC said that the injuries sustained by the TMC chief 'is indeed an unfortunate incident and deserves to be inquired into with promptitude and dispatch.' PTI 11 …

47. He inquired whether the girl was already betrothed, and finding that she was not[Sentence dictionary], he engaged a go-between to see if he could arrange for the girl on the water buffalo to marry his youngest son.

48. Every communicant must first have examined himself; that is, tried the condition and state of his soul, searched out the secret ulcers, inquired out its weaknesses and indiscretions, and all those Aptnesses where it is exposed to temptation; that, by finding out its diseases he may find a cure, and by discovering its Aptnesses he may secure his