dysthymia in English

persistent mild depression.
Like major depression, dysthymia can be treated with supportive therapy that provides advice, reassurance, sympathy, and education.

Use "dysthymia" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dysthymia" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dysthymia", or refer to the context using the word "dysthymia" in the English Dictionary.

1. For younger adults with dysthymia, there is a higher co-occurrence in personality abnormalities and the symptoms are likely chronic.

2. "Anhedonia is the lack of experiencing joy or pleasure," Los Angeles-based psychotherapist, Alyssa Mass, MFT, writes via email."It's typically thought of as a symptom of depression or dysthymia, though it can also exist separately from either."

3. Barythymia 気分沈滞: cacothymia: 胸腺の機能不全による精神障害または腺障害: catathymia: 抑圧感情妄想; 情動誘因性妄想: cyclothymia 気分循環症 , 循環気質, 感情循環, 循環性感情気質: dysthymia ディスチミア 気分変調症 ディスチミア親和型うつ病: euthymia