eager beaver in English

a keen and enthusiastic person who works very hard.

Use "eager beaver" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "eager beaver" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "eager beaver", or refer to the context using the word "eager beaver" in the English Dictionary.

1. You are an eager beaver.

2. He is an eager beaver.

3. Our boss is an eager beaver.

4. The man is an eager beaver.

5. Calm down! You're such an eager beaver!

6. Eric was being an eager beaver and left work late.

7. Mike is an eager beaver but he is not very organized.

8. Bill is an eager beaver but he is not very organizing.

9. Peter is a real eager beaver, working 11 hours a day.

10. Does Mr. B HAs a long - continuing attitude as an eager beaver?

11. Being eager beaver, he sometimes is not well - liked by his colleagues.

12. It's a phrase we use in English eager beaver .'Goodbye you eager beavers!

13. Being an eager beaver, he sometimes is not well - liked by his colleagues.

14. He would be popular at school if he weren't such an eager beaver.

15. Mimi: OK, thanks, Ralph. But can I ask why you're such an eager beaver?

16. He seems never to know what tiredness is, and he's really an eager beaver.

17. Ask young Harry to do it — he's still an eager beaver and wants to impress by his willingness.