Use "dysthymia" in a sentence

1. For younger adults with dysthymia, there is a higher co-occurrence in personality abnormalities and the symptoms are likely chronic.

2. "Anhedonia is the lack of experiencing joy or pleasure," Los Angeles-based psychotherapist, Alyssa Mass, MFT, writes via email."It's typically thought of as a symptom of depression or dysthymia, though it can also exist separately from either."

3. Barythymia 気分沈滞: cacothymia: 胸腺の機能不全による精神障害または腺障害: catathymia: 抑圧感情妄想; 情動誘因性妄想: cyclothymia 気分循環症 , 循環気質, 感情循環, 循環性感情気質: dysthymia ディスチミア 気分変調症 ディスチミア親和型うつ病: euthymia