deltoids in English

a deltoid muscle.
Feel the three distinct heads of each deltoid contract and relax.

Use "deltoids" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deltoids" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deltoids", or refer to the context using the word "deltoids" in the English Dictionary.

1. Train pectorals, Triceps, Frontal deltoids. Develop upper body, improve body shape.

2. 7 Incredible deltoids, biceps, buttocks, and thighs outlined and simultaneously gripped by the tight cut of his sailor suit.

3. 11 Incredible deltoids, biceps, buttocks, and thighs outlined and simultaneously gripped by the tight cut of his sailor suit.

4. The Supergym manufactured by Artimex Sport is a multifunctional Swedish ladder designed to help you perform more then 100 exercises for all muscle groups (deltoids, pectorals, tricepses, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, Bicepses, flexors, abdominals, quadriceps, biceps femoris, gluteal muscles etc.)

5. The company can Boast a strong line-up of partners among the handheld device and mobile operator elites.: I can Boast coconut deltoids, pulsating pectorals, bulging biceps and six pack abdominals.: This sadistic Boast has been followed by a savage and shameless campaign of suicide bombings.: Earlier, he would Boast of his formative years stealing candy from kids in war-torn Africa.