demagogues in English

a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.
In an attempt to divert the resulting social unrest, Stalinist bureaucrats and communalist demagogues fomented nationalist sentiments while seeking patrons among the major powers.
synonyms:rabble-rouseragitatorpolitical agitatorsoapbox oratorfirebrandfomenterprovocateur

Use "demagogues" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "demagogues" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "demagogues", or refer to the context using the word "demagogues" in the English Dictionary.

1. I listened only when you moved toward shattering continental unions and electing vulgar demagogues.

2. Synonyms for Badasses include agitators, rebels, fighters, demagogues, dissidents, frondeurs, renegades, sparkplugs, hard-asses and hardasses

3. The Peróns' followers praised their efforts to eliminate poverty and to dignify labour, while their detractors considered them demagogues and dictators.

4. The danger apprehended that quack nostrums in public policy can be forced upon the voters by demagogues is demonstrably nonexistent.

5. Collective discrimination aids terrorist recruitment by deepening fault lines exploited by extremist demagogues…The Muslim ban shows the Baselessness of Washington’s claim that it wants friendship with the Iranian people and that it only has issues with the government.

6. Now the irony, from my perspective, is that the only people who seem to generally agree with me and who think that there are right and wrong answers to moral questions are religious demagogues of one form or another.

7. ‘This is the "Bema," the orator's stand, whence speak the "demagogues," the molders of Athenian public opinion.’ ‘His first attempt to speak in public proved a failure, and he retired from the Bema amidst the hootings and laughter of the citizens.’