demand deposit in English

a deposit of money that can be withdrawn without prior notice.
Money will move from Joe's demand deposit account to a money market demand deposit account with a bank.

Use "demand deposit" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "demand deposit" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "demand deposit", or refer to the context using the word "demand deposit" in the English Dictionary.

1. Foreign currency demand deposit and foreign currency deposit.

2. While some thrift institutions have acquired demand deposit authority.

3. The demand deposit interest rate remains unchanged at 0.81 percent.

4. Do you know it is demand deposit or deposit, Is this credit card offer overdrafts?

5. (a) a debt instrument, including a debt security, a loan, an advance and a demand deposit;

6. i) Cash and term deposits comprise funds in demand-deposit accounts and interest-bearing bank deposits

7. A Bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates a demand deposit while simultaneously making loans

8. This transfer order has come to be known as a "check, " and the open book deposit account at the bank as a "demand deposit, " or "checking account."

9. Acorns Pay, LLC (“Acorns Pay”) manages Acorns’s demand deposit and other banking products in partnership with Lincoln Savings Bank, a bank chartered under the laws of Iowa and member FDIC

10. A demand deposit is a checking account in which the owner is entitled to receive his or her funds on demand and to write checks on the account , which transfers legal ownership of funds to others.