stereotypes in Germany

stereotypes [steriətaips] stereotypiert

Sentence patterns related to "stereotypes"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stereotypes" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stereotypes", or refer to the context using the word "stereotypes" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Stereotypes have been broken.

2. Jokes perpetuate various national stereotypes.

3. Stereotypes can also go awry.

4. Advertising can effectively challenge and confront stereotypes.

Die Werbung kann ein wirksames Instrument für die Hinterfragung von Klischees und die Auseinandersetzung mit ihnen sein.

5. Such jokes tend to reinforce racial stereotypes.

6. When in doubt, try those old gender stereotypes.

7. Direct contact helps dispel myths and dissolves stereotypes.

8. The book repudiates the racist stereotypes about black women.

9. • The novel seems Aimless, and the characters are stereotypes

10. The novel seems aimless, and the characters are stereotypes.

11. The myth reduced the island and its inhabitants to stereotypes.

12. Colonialism s binary gender system perpetuates stereotypes of women s

13. I also had my first taste of cultural stereotypes there.

14. Index and record cards and forms, printers type and clichés (stereotypes)

Karteikarten, Datensatzkarten und Formulare, Drucklettern und Druckstöcke

15. Myths, stereotypes, and pre-reflective assumptions serve to justify the Bigot’s

16. Biphobia is a prejudicial attitude toward bisexual people based on negative stereotypes

17. 13 Stereotypes, moreover, are subject to historical change and geographical variation and salience.

18. Was it really necessary to trot out the same old stereotypes about Ireland?

19. 4 With others we have prejudicial associations at the level of racial stereotypes.

20. Contemporary stereotypes of the bourgeois a grasping philistine ought to therefore be nuanced.

21. It employed a bunch of played-out, fear-mongering stereotypes of Arab people.

Es arbeiten viele erschöpfte, angstmachende gleiche Arabische Leute.

22. Managers may value different qualities in men than in women, reinforcing gender stereotypes.

23. 16 It makes me sick to read over such stereotypes devoid of content.

24. It's about a haunted Convent visited by some youthful 90's stereotypes, but it's …

25. On the other hand, Blackface dangerously dehumanized blacks by introducing and reinforcing racial stereotypes.

26. There are dozens of stereotypes created by high school movies, mainly based around Cliques

27. Condoning stereotyping? How awareness of stereotyping prevalence impacts expression of stereotypes J Appl Psychol

28. Anglo indians and their marginality Historically, Anglo-Indians have several stereotypes associated with them

29. Feminism is all about undoing stereotypes about gender, so there's nothing feminine about feminism."

30. Bias -- those stereotypes and attitudes that we all have about certain groups of people.

31. Synonyms for Conventionalizes include stereotypes, pigeonholes, typecasts, categorises, categorizes, standardises, standardizes, brands, casts and characterises

32. ‘In 1994, director Quentin Tarantino paid homage to Blaxploitation films with the wildly successful Pulp Fiction.’ ‘Putting value judgments aside for a moment, generally Blaxploitation employs stereotypes regarding black people, exploiting these stereotypes for entertainment purposes.’

33. The stereotypes of Afghans in India (Kabuliwala or Pathani) has also been represented in …

34. Furthermore, ageist attitudes and stereotypes can create barriers to social participation and personal fulfilment.

35. Ambivalenter Sexismus und die Polarisierung von Geschlechterstereotypen [Ambivalent sexism and the polarization of gender stereotypes]

36. Caddis makes reading glasses, sun readers and blue light blocking eyewear that crush age stereotypes

37. Children and adolescents may be particularly vulnerable to the deleterious effects of bias and stereotypes.

38. These are just a few of the stereotypes about Alcoholics that are pervasive throughout society

39. The filmmakers wanted to explore what dinosaurs represent today, and how they are represented in stereotypes.

40. And contrary to stereotypes, few child abusers are drooling homicidal maniacs who lurk around playgrounds.

41. So imagine a media atmosphere that isn't dominated by lame stereotypes about gender and other demographic characteristics.

42. Essentially, it is the external and subsequently internalized Biphobia that helps bring hurtful stereotypes and expectations to fruition

43. She hunted stereotypes down as if they were sewer rats and stuck radical slogans to the fridge door.

44. “Afterward” touches upon gothic stereotypes, constraints placed upon women, and the greed and conflict that inevitably come with wealth

45. I came to learn that these were the three main stereotypes about my country: politics, cigarettes and the veil.

46. Such negative stereotypes are often reinforced by pervasive media images which portray the young as capable and glamorous.

47. One of the common stereotypes of Adolescence is the rebellious, wild teen continually at odds with mom and dad

48. Ready to age Adventurously? Here are some inspiring ways to defy age stereotypes, challenge yourself and push boundaries this year

49. 11 At a convocation in the fall of his senior year, Pierre spoke about the need to break down stereotypes.

50. Historical Ballets are rife with national and racial stereotypes, including the orientalism of La Bayadère, Le Corsaire