sterile in Germany

sterile [sterail] keimfrei

Sentence patterns related to "sterile"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sterile" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sterile", or refer to the context using the word "sterile" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Male function barrier, sterile sterile, prostate gland disease.

2. (a) sterile surgical catgut, similar sterile suture materials and sterile tissue adhesives for surgical wound closure;

a) steriles Catgut, ähnliches steriles Nahtmaterial und sterile Klebstoffe für organische Gewebe, die in der Chirurgie zum Schließen von Wunden verwendet werden;

3. The elements of Aseptic technique are a sterile work area, good personal hygiene, sterile reagents and media, and sterile

4. Almost always sterile.

5. Sterile air distributors


6. Mules are usually sterile.

7. The Catheter is inserted using sterile technique, which means the Catheter itself is sterile

8. Therefore, Aseptic processing doesn’t generate sterile outcomes from non-sterile products, it only maintains sterility of already sterile objects throughout the manufacturing, packaging, or compounding process.

9. sterile absorbable surgical or dental haemostatics; sterile surgical or dental adhesion barriers, whether or not absorbable

10. Surgical Asepsis/sterile technique 1

11. Aseptic techniques require sterile equipment.

12. Some victims become sterile or paralyzed.

13. Rinse the eye with sterile water.

14. - Sterile absorbable surgical or dental yarn and sterile surgical or dental adhesion barriers, whether or not absorbable:

– sterile resorbierbare Garne zu chirurgischen oder zahnärztlichen Zwecken und sterile Adhäsionsbarrieren zu chirurgischen oder zahnärztlichen Zwecken, auch resorbierbar:

15. – Sterile absorbable surgical or dental yarn and sterile surgical or dental adhesion barriers, whether or not absorbable:

– sterile resorbierbare Garne zu chirurgischen oder zahnärztlichen Zwecken und sterile Adhäsionsbarrieren zu chirurgischen oder zahnärztlichen Zwecken, auch resorbierbar:

16. - sterile gauze pads and surgical tape

17. A mule is a sterile animal.

18. It would be a sterile world.

19. The soil has made him sterile.

20. He felt creatively and emotionally sterile.

21. The negotiations proved to be sterile.

22. The serum fraction can simply be Aliquoted into sterile, 0-ring seal freezing tubes using a sterile pipet

23. With a sterile pipette (4.2.4) transfer 5 ml sterile distilled water to a tube with stock culture (5.4.2) and wash the spores off the agar slant using a sterile loop.

Mit einer sterilen Pipette ( vgl . 4.2.4 ) werden 5 ml steriles destilliertes Wasser in ein Röhrchen mit Stammkultur ( vgl . 5.4.2 ) gegeben und die Keime unter Verwendung einer sterilen Öse von dem Schrägagar abgeschwemmt .

24. The room felt cold and sterile.

25. The regional anesthesia catheters were inserted under sterile circumstances (hood, facemask, sterile gloves and coat, surgical disinfection and sterile covering of the placement site) and under peripheral nerve stimulation.

Die Katheterregionalanästhesien wurden unter sterilen Kautelen (Haube, Mundschutz, sterile Handschuhe und Operationsmantel, chirurgische Desinfektion sowie steriles Abdecken der Einstichstelle) mithilfe der peripheren Nervenstimulation angelegt.

26. 11 The negotiations proved to be sterile.

27. 9 He felt creatively and emotionally sterile.

28. Perhaps communication has become routine or sterile.

29. Medical tests showed that he was sterile.

30. Cleanroom Sterile Cladded Slide Doors; Hurricane Rated

31. A system for harvesting totipotent plant tissue culture can include a sterile enclosure, a plurality of bioreactors in the sterile enclosure, at least one agitator in the sterile enclosure, and a culture harvest system.

32. filters of # μm porosity, sterile, single use

sterile Einweg-Filter mit einer Porosität von # μm

33. Sterile cells occur in the interior of Archegonia

34. Ashgabat is a sterile and immaculately polished city

35. Use separate sterile, disposable washcloths to clean up.

36. Female mice homozygously null for aladin are sterile.

37. They are native to dry and sterile regions.

38. The flies were irradiated to make them sterile.

39. Methods, as sterile surgical techniques, used to assure Asepsis.

40. 67-GP-8M Bandage, Adhesive, Plastic, Sterile Oct 90

41. Like most other animal hybrids, the zorse is sterile.

42. Too much time has been wasted in sterile debate.

43. Coleorhiza is the sterile protective covering of the radicle

44. Certified sterile and ready-to-use, all Biotainer bottle

45. The last of the sterile flies were released Thursday.

46. All equipment is sterile, used once and thrown away.

47. The genic male sterile AB line is not only the male-sterile line (A line) but the maintainer line (B line) as well, so the genic male sterile plant is very important in crossbreed and theory research.

48. BRAUN, Melsungen) produces absolutely sterile and oxygen free eluates.

Braun, Melsungen) zu völlig sterilen und apyrogenen Eluaten führt.

49. I know all about sterile technique, and so forth.

50. 34 For the assembly of godless ones* is sterile,+