stewed fruit in Germany

stewed fruit [stjeədfruːt] Kompott

Sentence patterns related to "stewed fruit"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stewed fruit" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stewed fruit", or refer to the context using the word "stewed fruit" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. A sweet variety usually contains stewed fruit topped with a crumbly mixture of fat (usually butter), flour, and sugar.A savoury version uses meat, vegetables and sauce for the filling, with cheese replacing sugar in the Crumble mix

2. Edible oils and fats, edible oils, preserved olives, gelatine for food, clams (not live), ground almonds, anchovy, herrings, tuna fish, poultry, milk beverages, peanut butter, cocoa butter, meat, preserved meat, meat extracts, fruit peel, caviar, preserved mushrooms, charcuterie, coconut oil, coconut fat, coconut butter, coconuts, fruit compotes, crystallised fruits, jams, frozen fruits, tinned fruits, tinned vegetables, tinned fish, crustaceans, not live, koumiss, pickles, vegetable salads, fish fillets, stewed fruit, fruit preserved in alcohol, fruit jellies, fruit pulp, fruit chips, jellies for food, vegetable juices for cooking, yoghurt, fruit-based snack food

Speiseöle und -fette, Öle für Speisezwecke, Oliven (konserviert), Speisegelatine, Venusmuscheln (nicht lebend), Mandeln (verarbeitet), Sardellen, Heringe, Thunfisch, Geflügel, Milchgetränke, Erdnussbutter, Kakaobutter, Fleisch, Fleisch (konserviert), Fleischextrakte, Schalen von Früchten, Kaviar, Pilze (konserviert), Wurstwaren, Kokosöl, Kokosfett, Kokosbutter, Kokosnüsse, Fruchtkompotte, kandierte Früchte, Konfitüren, Früchte (tiefgekühlt), Obstkonserven, Gemüsekonserven (Dosen), Fischkonserven, Krustentiere (nicht lebend), Kumys, Pickles, Gemüsesalat, Fischfilets, Früchte (gekocht), Früchte in Alkohol, Fruchtgelees, Fruchtmark, Früchtescheiben, Gallerten (Gelees) für Speisezwecke, Pflanzensäfte für die Küche, Joghurt, Fruchtsnacks