spoilage in Germany

spoilage [spɔilidʒ] Makulatu

Sentence patterns related to "spoilage"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "spoilage" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "spoilage", or refer to the context using the word "spoilage" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Controlled spoilage food compositions

2. Food spoilage Monitor food supplies in refrigerators, freezers and cupboards for signs of spoilage.

3. Food spoilage Question 10 asked retailers:

4. Molecule transporters in food spoilage

Molekültransporter bei Lebensmittelverderb

5. - to reduce spoilage of foodstuffs by retarding or arresting decay processes and destroying spoilage organisms,

- Verringerung des Verderbs von Lebensmitteln durch Verzögern oder Anhalten von Verfallprozessen und durch Zerstörung verderbfördernder Organismen;

6. Spoilage detection using electromagnetic signal and mathematical modeling

7. Method for detecting degree of spoilage of food

8. Spoilage patterns were very similar for both species.

Der Verlauf der Zersetzung war für beide Fischarten sehr ähnlich.

9. • Store vegetables and fruit properly to avoid spoilage.

10. Something, especially foodstuff, subject to decay or spoilage.

11. Biogenic amines are a major source of food spoilage.

Biogene Amine tragen einen großen Anteil am Verderben von Nahrungsmitteln.

12. Color is commonly an index of ripeness or spoilage.

13. 6 Color is commonly an index of ripeness or spoilage.

14. During transportation, spoilage and transportation fee could be reduced.

15. Antibodies capable of detecting a beer spoilage lactic acid bacterium.

16. Spoilage and dust shall be controlled to prevent pest invasion.

Verunreinigungen und Staubansammlungen sind zu kontrollieren, um das Eindringen von Schädlingen zu verhindern.

17. Such factors include production, imports, domestic usage, exports, spoilage, etc.

18. Increased temperatures in the North may increase spoilage of traditional foods.

19. Spoiled, unsound . Term applied to wine showing some evidence of spoilage.

20. He was determined to track down the cause of food spoilage.

21. Antibodies against beer spoilage lactic acid bacteria and their diagnostic use

22. Isn't this a danger of spoilage if you don't process it?

23. Coffee cherries must be processed immediately after harvest to prevent spoilage.

24. In no case may the use of active packaging mask natural spoilage.

Der Verderb der verpackten Lebensmittel darf keinesfalls durch die Verwendung aktiver Verpackungsmaterialien verschleiert werden.

25. I'm afraid we cannot be responsible for any damage ( breakage, spillage, spoilage ).

26. They can occur as spoilage organisms and some are pathogenic causing infections.

27. Simply by drying a food one can control or eliminate spoilage processes.

28. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is an antioxidant and helps prevent microbial spoilage.

Schwefeldioxid (SO2) ist ein Antioxidant, der das Wachstum von Bakterien hemmt.

29. Key words: beer spoilage organism, immunoassay, monoclonal antibodies, Pediococcus, surface antigens.

30. These acids give the fruits tartness and slow down bacterial spoilage.

31. An unwelcome visitor in fruit and vegetable juice, it can cause degradation and spoilage.

Als unwillkommener Gast kann sie in Obst und Gemüsesaft Zersetzung und Verderb verursachen.

32. Without specific treatment, food and pharmaceutical products are exposed to contamination and spoilage.

Ziel jeder Konservierung ist der Schutz vor mikrobiellem und chemischem Verderb sowie vor Geschmacksveränderung.

33. Any spoilage shall be minimised and kept under control to reduce pest invasion.

Verunreinigungen sind so gering zu halten, dass ein Eindringen von Schädlingen möglichst eingeschränkt wird.

34. This can result in rapid spoilage if such foods are stored improperly.

35. Any spoilage shall be minimised and kept under control to reduce pest invasion

Verunreinigungen sind so gering zu halten, dass ein Eindringen von Schädlingen möglichst eingeschränkt wird

36. Biogenic amines are a common source of spoilage in fermented foods and beverages.

Biogene Amine gehören zu den üblichen Quellen für den Verderb von vergorenen Speisen und Getränken.

37. Why all the spoilage? Are there any plans for a first 10minutes vid?

38. With your flattery are you trying to lure my healthy soul in spoilage.

39. The principal methods of avoiding spoilage are the use of pure yeast strains as starters.

40. Proteolysis and putrefaction are typical results of microbial spoilage of such high - protein materials.

41. One retailer indicated having spoilage of 20 to 40% for carrots and cabbage.

42. Breakdowns in the cold chain integrity result in poorer quality, if not spoilage.

43. Correct storage not only results in less spoilage, but also extends the shelf life of products.

Eine richtige Lagerung führt zu weniger Verderb und längerer Haltbarkeit der Ware.

44. The fermentation is really a breaking-down process, a corrupting, so that it often causes spoilage.

45. An optimal operation for products subject to spoilage is studied with the distributed parameter control theory.

46. It also kills spoilage bacteria, thus resulting in an extended shelf life for some foods.

47. including messages on packaging recommending optimised storage of the food product to avoid its spoilage.

Verpackungsangaben zur optimalen Lagerung des Lebensmittels, um Verderbnis vorzubeugen.

48. What is the interaction between meteorological factors and the spoilage of grain in storage bins?

49. WHAT TO DO Check food supplies in refrigerator, freezers and cupboards for signs of spoilage.

50. Most juice will be heat processed to ensure destruction of enzymes and spoilage organisms.

Die meisten Fruchtsäfte werden wärmebehandelt, um Enzyme und Schadorganismen unschädlich zu machen.