spoken to in Germany

spoken to [spoukəntou] angesproche

Sentence patterns related to "spoken to"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "spoken to" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "spoken to", or refer to the context using the word "spoken to" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. I haven't spoken to her yet.

2. I had hardly ever spoken to him.

3. I haven't spoken to anyone all day.

4. I've spoken to the manager about it.

5. I've spoken to the hematologist I mentioned before.

6. She strongly disliked being spoken to like that.

7. I’ve never spoken to a Bible mouse before.”

8. I haven't spoken to Steve about all this.

9. 11 I've spoken to the manager about it.

10. We've spoken to almost everyone who ever knew him.

11. He's my neighbour,but I haven't spoken to him.

12. Every time I've spoken to you, you've never spoken back.

13. It is gross incivility to refuse answer when spoken to.

14. Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed

15. I find it insulting to be spoken to in that way.

16. I've spoken to Rossi and Reid and Morgan's on the line.

17. I've spoken to the DA, and they'll be dropping all charges.

18. I've spoken to my people and the drugs will be here tomorrow.

19. If Middlemass had spoken to Potter at Potter was in the clear.

20. 2 I find it insulting to be spoken to in that way.

21. I've spoken to Alkar and he informs me that custom forbids it.

Ich habe Alkar gefragt, der sagt, seine Bräuche würden es verbieten.

22. Brava (interjection) alternative form of bravo, when spoken to a female performer

23. You told me that the general had spoken to members of that committee.

24. I've just spoken to the Minister of Transport and it's all under way.

25. I have not sent them, nor have I commanded them or spoken to them.

26. “At that Abram went just as Jehovah had spoken to him.” —Genesis 12:4.

27. A well-bred youth neither speaks of himself, nor, being spoken to, is silent.

28. Desperate for money, she called her sister, whom she hadn't spoken to in 20 years.

29. Bald, Bespectacled and soft-spoken to a fault, he looks less hip than shyly professorial

30. I know I shouldn't have spoken to Suzanne like that, but I was absolutely livid.

31. How did Jesus explain the words that Jehovah had spoken to Moses at the burning bush?

32. I have spoken to Railway Minister, Shri Suresh Prabhu, who is personally monitoring the situation closely”.

33. You have not spoken to the owner before. the 1st launderette was purchased 10 years ago.

34. NPR has now spoken to a former neighbor of Reade's who Corroborates Reade's account on record.

35. These words were spoken to a group of students in the United States over 60 years ago.

36. The transformative part is that political operatives have not traditionally spoken to this young, more Acculturated segment

37. Now people I've spoken to who used it then never said anything about machine elves of hyperspace.

38. The biblical Mary is a powerful cultural archetype whose story has spoken to women across the centuries.

39. Her jagged monologue is spoken to an unseen visitor, and it tells the story of her courtship.

40. 29 Now people I've spoken to who used it then never said anything about machine elves of hyperspace.

41. Bill and Sandra haven't spoken to each other since he made an incautious remark about her husband's drinking problem.

42. The last words he had spoken to me on the subject of kitchen units had been really quite abusive.

43. Seven News reporter Denham Hitchcock Backflips on vaccination Instagram post 'after being spoken to by network management' By D

44. After completing the quest, Birdie can be seen fishing on the beach, and can be spoken to but not gifted.

45. They had spoken to several people on the set, and had found out about the animosity between Gabby and Bill.

46. At his first public engagement after the interview last week, William said he hadn’t spoken to Harry since the show Aired …

47. Her duties as a chaperone had become less evident now that she was accustomed to Paul and had been spoken to kindly.

48. Prince Harry has spoken to his brother, William, and his father, Charles, since Oprah Winfrey's interview with the Sussexes aired, but those conversations have …

49. Transitive ​ British ​ spoken to deliberately ignore someone, as if you have not seen or heard them I said hello, but she completely Blanked me

50. Synonyms for Apostrophized include addressed, addrest, spoke to, spoken to, talked to, communicated with, wrote to, written to, conversed with and made conversation with