spoke in Germany

spoke [spouk] gesprochen, Radspeiche, Speiche

Sentence patterns related to "spoke"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "spoke" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "spoke", or refer to the context using the word "spoke" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. She spoke at length.

2. He spoke very softly .

3. He spoke a falsehood.

4. He spoke without preamble.

5. Michael spoke up diffidently.

6. He spoke with menace.

7. He spoke without reserve.

8. Synonyms for Chorused include spoke together, spoken together, spoke at once, spoken at once, spoke in unison, spoken in unison, dueted, chanted, trilled and …

9. He spoke our lingo.

10. He spoke without pretension.

11. He spoke French fluently.

12. He spoke unto her.

13. He spoke arrogantly, Bluffingly, threateningly

14. Rosalind spoke highly of you.

15. The school’s instructors spoke next.

16. He spoke in a mutter.

17. The old man spoke deferentially.

18. He spoke in sepulchral tones.

19. She spoke with a whine.

20. She spoke, smiling and nodding.

21. She spoke with characteristic modesty.

22. He spoke heavily accented English.

23. He spoke loudly and Boisterously.

24. She spoke with deep emotion.

25. She spoke with loving tenderness.

26. She spoke kindly to them.

27. He spoke with unwonted enthusiasm.

28. He spoke with evangelical fervour.

29. She spoke in nasal tones.

30. He spoke in measured words.

31. He spoke with breathtaking arrogance.

32. He spoke in stentorian tones.

33. He spoke with characteristic enthusiasm.

34. He spoke with curt finality.

35. He spoke with great severity.

36. She wept as she spoke.

37. She spoke to me stiffly.

38. Thracians spoke Balto slavic language

39. Nahuel spoke Araucanian and Spanish

40. He spoke loudly to impress.

41. She spoke without much enthusiasm.

42. She spoke with great deference.

43. He spoke with calm assurance.

44. She spoke with a stammer.

45. They both spoke with animation.

46. The consular porter spoke peremptorily.

47. Carly spoke through clenched teeth .

48. She spoke with unruffled calm.

49. He spoke three languages fluently.

50. She spoke mildly to us.