sexist in Germany

sexist [segzist] Sexist

Sentence patterns related to "sexist"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sexist" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sexist", or refer to the context using the word "sexist" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. And no demeaning, sexist remarks.

2. He objects to the sexist label - he doesn't think he's sexist at all.

3. She was trapped with a sexist employer who exploited a sexist legal system.

4. His sexist attitude infuriates me.

5. All that sexist repellent crap.

6. He told some really offensive sexist jokes.

7. Womens’ sports uniforms are Blatantly sexist

8. Old-fashioned sexist attitudes are still common.

9. Sexist language is insulting to women.

10. She refused to rise to his sexist remarks.

11. And, of course, he was a sexist.

12. A new female editor found it sexist.

13. We had to endure racist and sexist taunts.

14. Come on, Jack, don't be sexist.

15. Sexist language is very insulting to women.

16. 7 Sexist language is insulting to women.

17. It can't just be a giant sexist conspiracy.

18. We're a non-sexist and non-racist employer.

19. Good.Because I think you are a sexist, misogynist dinosaur

20. 23 Sexist language is very insulting to women.

21. Feminism's objections to sexist language have been much parodied.

22. The singer deliberately courts controversy with his racist and sexist lyrics.

23. The club deny they're being sexist, but regret the political implications.

24. 8 Please sexist in eagerr resume dawn eagerr appliunusualion retard.

25. Women's rights campaigners described the urinals as sexist and misogynist.

26. So you only act like a bigot and a sexist pig around me?

27. ‘People with less egalitarian values have repeatedly been shown to be more racist, Classist, and sexist.’ ‘Occupying such a position, we bear the brunt of sexist, racist and Classist oppression.’ ‘I really can't believe I sat through such a sexist, Classist, and distasteful film.’

28. Don't call someone else a thot, because it's sexist, racist, and Classist

29. As feminists resist sexist language, so many speakers have resisted the alternative.

30. It investigates sexist Assemblages through three of many potential elements: (1) the normatively

31. The programme consists of an hour of sexist banter and innuendo.

32. Controversy surrounds the TV show, which many consider to be racist, sexist, and homophobic.

33. 'Man', as a blanket term for both men and women, is now considered sexist.

34. Before anybody complains that all this is very sexist and demeaning - I entirely agree.

35. I know they were racists, I know they were sexist, but they were great.

36. 15 We need not dwell on the sexist nature of such myths.

37. It is sexist to say that women are less intelligent than men.

38. Ministers will also propose stricter implementation of laws against racist and sexist remarks at matches.

39. My father was a complete sexist. He thought a woman's place was in the kitchen.

40. Sexist language is all of a piece with the way some men treat women.

41. It's all in there: shoes, sex, dating, the sexist remarks with which every Clergywoman is all too …

42. The administrator expressed joy after the sexist group had been deleted and wrote this to members:

43. Later that month, after Miers had faced intense criticism, Laura Bush questioned whether the charges were sexist in nature.

44. She is a strong woman who has risen to the top of a deeply sexist organisation.

45. We are opposed to all forms of misogynist behavior and sexist attitudes; we respect all women.

46. Chauvinist : She was so angry at his sexist remarks that she called him a chauvinist pig.

47. Some people think that 'fireman' is a sexist term, and prefer the politically correct term 'firefighter'.

48. My ex-husband was a real sexist, who didn't think our daughters should have jobs at all.

49. Do they have sexist, ageist or racist attitudes that might emerge at a critical point in your work together?

50. Firstly, I understand that you must edit letters, but the crucial point on avoiding sexist language was omitted.