sexual harassment in Germany

sexual harassment [sekʃeəlhærəsmənt] sexuelle Belästigung

Sentence patterns related to "sexual harassment"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sexual harassment" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sexual harassment", or refer to the context using the word "sexual harassment" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Absurdisms Satire #MeToo sexual harassment

2. Sexual harassment always includes physical contact.

3. Several women have complained of sexual harassment.

4. At what point does it become sexual harassment?

5. Several senators introduced legislation aimed at sexual harassment.

6. She had been subjected to continual sexual harassment.

7. Forceful sexual harassment or similar activities against youth

8. A look at Cuomo Aides’ sexual harassment allegations

9. Now, anyone can be a victim of sexual harassment:

10. The Chief Constable said that sexual harassment was deplorable.

11. How does the law protect women from sexual harassment?

12. The case brought sexual harassment to the public's attention.

13. NY gov Apologises, won’t resign over sexual harassment claims

14. What makes sexual harassment different from flirting or teasing?

15. Miller's actions were a clear case of sexual harassment.

16. Faced with multiple Allegations of sexual harassment, New York Gov

17. There are more women with sexual harassment Allegations against Gov

18. Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a trivial matter.

19. Subject: Women's access to the armed forces and sexual harassment

Betrifft: Zugang der Frauen zum Militär und sexuelle Belästigung

20. Mr Singh has strongly denied the allegations of sexual harassment.

21. MacKinnon's groundbreaking legal work changed the way sexual harassment was viewed.

22. Daily chart Despite #MeToo, opinions on sexual harassment have barely Budged

23. The above draft Act also addresses sexual harassment and marital rape.

24. We need effective strategies to combat sexual harassment in the workplace.

25. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment claimed he once Boorishly joked that …

26. 22 Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a trivial matter.

27. 25 Mr Singh has strongly denied the allegations of sexual harassment.

28. Women face a lot of legal hurdles trying to prove sexual harassment.

29. Sexual harassment, Assault, and abuse can happen anywhere, including in online spaces

30. Wright also presided over Paula Jones' sexual harassment lawsuit against President Clinton.

31. Rose: That's borderline sexual harassment. Do you want me to sue you?

32. The case has heightened public awareness of the problem of sexual harassment.

33. Sexual harassment, that's against the law. Something should be done about it.

34. The trial brought the issue of sexual harassment out of the closet.

35. Andrew Cuomo Apologizes, Will Not Resign Over Sexual Harassment Claims New York Gov

36. There is a startling split between men's and women's views of sexual harassment.

37. It takes a lot of nerve to report a colleague for sexual harassment.

38. Employees are urged not to be shy about reporting incidents of sexual harassment.

39. EXCLUSIVE: After five women made Accusations of sexual harassment against one of Rep

40. Allegations of sexual harassment have led to disciplinary proceedings being taken against three naval officers.

41. Charges Alleging Sexual Harassment FY 2010 - FY 2020 This table shows charge data for sexual harassment allegations, i.e., harassment of a sexual nature (harassment allegations are only included if they are also alleged in a charge)

42. She was the second woman to come forward with Allegations of sexual harassment against Cuomo

43. Many women and girls are infected due to unequal relationships, sexual harassment, violence and rape.

44. She didn't mention "sexual harassment,[sentencedict .com]" but I knew what she was driving at.

45. ‘It’s Everyday Put-Downs, And Exclusions, And Belittlings’: Widespread Sexual Harassment Found In Academic Science

46. Even a “compliment” with sexual overtones, an obscene joke, or ogling can constitute sexual harassment.

47. Khuat Thu Hong, 2004, “Sexual Harassment in Vietnam: A new term for an old phenomenon."

48. Liss and Hinton are two of five women to Accuse the governor of sexual harassment

49. The amendment will force senators to show where they stand on the issue of sexual harassment.

50. Court Holds Company Contractually Bound to Sexual Harassment Policy March 23, 2021 In a somewhat surprising decision, the Illinois Appellate Court recently ruled that a company’s strongly worded sexual harassment policy may create an implied employment contract.