shackled in Germany

shackled [ʃækld] fesselte, gefesselt

Sentence patterns related to "shackled"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shackled" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shackled", or refer to the context using the word "shackled" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. They are shackled by inherited convention.

2. She was shackled to a wall.Sentencedict

3. They are shackled by convention.

4. God’s justice should never be shackled by human tradition.

5. The dog was shackled with leather chains.

6. You see me here, Inspector Drake, an innocent man shackled.

Hier stehe ich, Inspector Drake. Ein unschuldiger Mann in Handschellen.

7. The hostage had been shackled to a radiator.

8. The government is shackled by its own debts.

9. The trade unions are shackled by the law.

10. You say all this now, shackled, and probably about to die.

Das sagst du mir alles jetzt. Angekettet und vermutlich kurz vor dem Tod.

11. The company is shackled by a lack of capital.

12. He was shackled and in darkness of torment.

13. The prisoners were kept shackled during the trial.

14. Industrial progress is being shackled by a mass of regulations.

15. He was shackled inside a safe, and dropped into the river.

16. Shackled between two Roman guards, he is led off to his cell.

17. And be shackled to a man enslaved to a wicked queen?

18. Changing metaphor, the equilibrium unemployment rate is seen to be shackled to the actual rate.

19. The prisoners were shackled together and forced to walk 600 miles across country.

20. This is because you are not used to being shackled to the author's words.

21. I was shackled and blindfolded and along with several others thrown onto the back of a truck.

Man fesselte mich, verband mir die Augen und verfrachtete mich zusammen mit einigen anderen auf einen Lkw.

22. She was dragged down by her skull like an old-fashioned prisoner shackled to an iron ball.

23. In short, many Unix vendors are shackled by their desire to own everything.

24. In a society still shackled by regulations and bureaucracy he was astonishingly impudent.

25. Baseball owners, once thought to be shackled by tradition, are on a roll.

26. Abul Hawa was checked into the emergency room while handcuffed and with his feet shackled.

27. 27 In a society still shackled by regulations and bureaucracy he was astonishingly impudent.

28. Wherever it was, it had to be better than being shackled to a tree, right?

29. The pitiful immigrants thus find themselves shackled in endless modern-day slavery, constantly subjected to exploitation, coercion, robbery, and rape.

30. Emmanuel suffered a miscarriage two weeks later and was taken to the hospital shackled and handcuffed.

31. Because there was no windlass, both ends of the anchor line were shackled together, Ward said.

32. They destroyed the seminary, arrested Pigneau and shackled him in an eighty-pound wood and iron frame.

33. 6 They destroyed the seminary, arrested Pigneau and shackled him in an eighty-pound wood and iron frame.

34. Facing such a large first innings total, the batsmen were shackled by the need to save the game.

35. Being shackled to one epoch meant it had to change and adapt but try to reconcile this with harsh realities.

36. Shackled to an oar, she strained in a galley as an oiled mountain of flesh beat a huge drum.

37. According to a source familiar with the Red Crossreport, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed claimed that he was shackled and kept naked, exceptfor a pair of goggles and earmuffs.

38. Drone footage has emerged showing police leading hundreds of Blindfolded and shackled men from a train in what is believed to be a transfer of inmates in Xinjiang.

39. ‘I hung over the side of the pulpit and saw that the Bobstay chain was shackled to the end cap on the bowsprit, so I hunted up a wrench and another shackle.’

40. Anchor rodes generally consist of a long length of nylon line with an eye splice and a thimble to which is shackled a short length of galvanized chain

41. Dani Is ready for a painful Bastinado! After the most painful and incredibly nasty impaling, Danis ankles are shackled together, behind the post, to her wrists, while her entire body rests on her impaled crotch

42. While many Tenno may be content to live simply as warriors, the Arbiters see them as having infinite potential, believing that the Tenno of old were shackled by the purpose the Orokin assigned them, and that their divine status is barely recognized

43. Since learning this truth, many who were once shackled to superstitious rituals concerning the dead no longer worry about curses, omens, charms, and fetishes, nor do they offer costly sacrifices to appease their ancestors and prevent them from returning to haunt the living.

44. To condemn plaintiff to remain shackled in a marriage that in truth and in fact does notexist and to remain married to a spouse who is incapacitated to discharge essential maritalcovenants, is verily to condemn him to a perpetual disadvantage which this Court finds Abhorrentand will not countenance.

45. Belts and Belittlings flailing souls because spirit has no anchor in oceans of morality and so drift astray shackled by centuries’ old trauma birthing this island covered in blood we have inherited this ancestors calling from motherland, ocean bed and new world unacknowledged unnamed unrecognized crying for offerings sufferings falling on