separateness in Germany

separateness [sepəreitnəs] Getrenntheit

Sentence patterns related to "separateness"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "separateness" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "separateness", or refer to the context using the word "separateness" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 15. (a) To what unity has separateness from the world led?

2. 2 In Biblical Hebrew, the word “holy” conveys the thought of separateness.

3. From the 17th century on, individual indicates separateness, as in individualism.

4. I used to believe that this separateness was the exclusive problem of the timid, introverted shys.

5. The metal code also includes “opposition to established authority, and separateness from the rest of society”.

6. How is the needed separateness from the world illustrated in the case of Noah and his family?

7. Advaita definition is - Vedantic nondualism that denies the separateness of any aspect of reality from the impersonal oneness of Brahma.

8. For the five million Croats that vision is the revival after an eight-century hiatus of a medieval dream of separateness

9. (Ac 26:5; Col 2:18) The true worship practiced by Christians was marked by genuine concern for the poor and complete separateness from the ungodly world.

10. These fruits —self-sacrificing love, the desire to sanctify Jehovah’s name, the proclamation of God’s Kingdom, separateness from the world, and faith in the Bible— all characterize true worshippers.

11. But the Boers, now called Afrikaners, gained a political victory when, as the National Party, they won an election in 1948 and came to power on the strength of their apartheid (separateness) policy.

Doch die Buren, heute Afrikaander genannt, gewannen politisch die Oberhand, als ihre Nationalpartei 1948 aufgrund des Nachdrucks, mit dem sie die Apartheidpolitik (Rassentrennungspolitik) verfolgte, die Wahl für sich entschied und sie so an die Macht gelangten.

12. What is Apartheid? An Afrikaans word for ‘separation’ – literally, ‘separateness’ – Apartheid was used to describe the discriminatory political and economic system of racial segregation which the white minority imposed on non-whites

13. The doctrine of Apartheid ("separateness" in Afrikaans) was made law in South Africa in 1948, but the subordination of the Black population in the region was established during European colonization of the area.