separate treatment in Germany

separate treatment [sepəreittriːtmənt] Sonderreglung

Sentence patterns related to "separate treatment"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "separate treatment" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "separate treatment", or refer to the context using the word "separate treatment" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. b) Treatment of alteration work as a separate capital item

b) Umbaumaßnahmen als eigenes Investitionsgut

2. Exactly which is the best treatment regimen is a separate issue.

3. Although it is the most successful treatment method, esophageal balloon requires several separate Anesthetizations over a short period of time

4. The segregated process streams may be sent to respective separate treatments selected from anaerobic digestion, aerobic digestion, physical separation and chemical treatment.

5. Blackheads and whiteheads may appear at separate spots and that might be where you Comedones stop, nevertheless the treatment is not different from that of pimples

6. However, when spouses Commingle separate property, it can lose its separate status

7. Most of our Beds are sold with separate Bed frames and separate mattresses

8. Separate clipboard and selection

9. Based on relative regulations of the college, "the field practice of dendrology " is a separate course with separate scoring and separate credit.

10. In a separate piece...

11. Three separate Championship eras

12. Aromatics, producing separate peaks

13. Twins that develop in separate sacs surrounded by two separate Chorions are considered diChorionic

14. On the other hand, the fact that some companies are receiving an additional preferential treatment is separate from the way in which the market as a whole is functioning.

Andererseits ist die Tatsache, dass einige Unternehmen in den Genuss einer zusätzlichen Vorzugsbehandlung kamen, getrennt von der Funktionsweise des Marktes als Ganzes zu betrachten.

15. Only death could separate them.

16. They went their separate ways.

17. May we have separate checks?

18. They sit in separate seats.

19. [Treatment of Anurias] [Treatment of Anurias] [Treatment of Anurias] Rev Clin Esp

20. Tag dates in separate pieces:

21. You'll get two separate infusions.

22. Aerobic and/or anaerobic treatment (secondary treatment)

Aerobe und/oder anaerobe Behandlung (Sekundäre Behandlung)

23. Separate them, fore and aft.

Trennt sie, längsschiffs.

24. They separate but later reunited.

25. Could we have separate checks?