salting in Germany

salting [sɔːltiŋ] salzend

Sentence patterns related to "salting"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "salting" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "salting", or refer to the context using the word "salting" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Salting and Brining are the two best ways to achieve juicy, flavorful chicken

2. Simply put, Confit is salting something down for a while, then …

3. Wet-salter could refer to a fish curer or to someone tanning leather by wet salting hides.

4. adherence to the proportions of meat ingredients and salting mixture specified in the formulation.

ob die in der Rezeptur angegebenen Mengenanteile von Fleischzutaten und Pökelmischung eingehalten werden.

5. Disclosed is a method for salting out and extracting acetone and butanol from fermentation liquor.

6. large cheeses are aged for a minimum of # days after salting and small cheeses (Bufón) for # days

Die Mindestreifezeit beträgt # Tage beim großen Format und # Tage beim Kleinformat (Bufón), immer gerechnet ab der Beendigung des Salzens

7. This paper studied the methods of extracting pectin from the cactus by salting-out agent.

8. There are two main types of salt-Curing used in the fish industry: dry salting and pickle-Curing

9. In Italy, mullet Bottarga, or Bottarga di muggine, is a specialty of Sardinia, where the roe sacs were traditionally sun-dried after salting

10. Drying or salting, either with dry salt or with brine, was the only widely available method of preserving fish until the 19th century.

11. A greater variety of fish—including saltwater species—were preserved by salting, pickling or smoking and consumed as "zakuski" (hors d'oeuvres).

12. Bresaola, which originated in the mountains of Lombardy, is made by salting beef and allowing it to air-dry for several weeks

13. Buccaneers gained their name from the word Buccanning, which was a process of curing thin strips of meat by salting, smoking, and drying in the sun

14. Brining or salting is a way of increasing the moisture holding capacity of meat resulting in a moister product when it is cooked

15. Our Bottarga Grey mullet Bottarga, a product obtained by salting and curing the roe sac of fish belonging to the grey mullet family

16. Buccanning, by which the "buccaneers" gained their name, was a process of curing thin strips of meat by salting, smoking, and drying in the sun

17. After the salt from the Adour basin has been applied and the ham has been through the post-salting and drying processes, it begins to age.

Nach dem Pökeln mit Salz aus dem Adour-Becken, dem Ruhen-Erwärmen und der Trocknung beginnt die Reifephase der Schinken.

18. Later salter was also used to refer to people employed in a salt works, or in salting fish or meat, as well as to drysalters.

19. [1] Buccanning, by which the "buccaneers" gained their name, was of process of curing thin strips of meat by salting, smoking, and drying in the sun.

20. Buccanning, by which the "buccaneers" gained their name, was a process of curing thin strips of meat by salting, smoking, and drying in the sun.

21. Some additives have been used for centuries; for example, preserving food by pickling (with vinegar), salting, as with bacon, preserving sweets or using sulfur dioxide as with wines.

22. When salting is finished, an officer from the monitoring body is present when the logo is heat affixed (depicting a five-point crown with the wording PARMA inside the ellipse), having previously checked that the hams meet the requirements of suitability

Wenn die Reifelagerung abgeschlossen ist, wird von den Inspektoren des Kontrollorgans das Brandzeichen angebracht, das bestätigt, dass der Schinken alle erforderlichen Qualitätsmerkmale aufweist: die fünfzackige stilisierte Krone über einem Oval mit dem Schriftzug PARMA

23. The effect of surfactants, condensed phosphates, soap, EDTA, NTA, citric acid, oil and Alamine-336 on the fluorimetric determination of uranium in a 5-ml aqueous sample extracted with methyl isobutyl ketone after addition of saturated calcium nitrate or 1N acid-deficient saturated aluminium nitrate salting-out solutions has been established.

Die Wirkung von Schaummitteln, Polyphosphaten, Seifen, ÄDTA, NTA, Zitronensäure, Öl und Alamin-336 bei der fluorimetrischen Uranbestimmung in einer wäßrigen 5-ml-Probe nach Extraktion mit Methylisobutylketon aus einer mit gesättigtem Calciumnitrat oder säurefreier gesättigter Aluminiumnitratlösung zwecks Aussalzung versetzten Lösung wurde beschrieben.

24. Irrespective of regulatory references, each ham is identified under the ‘Jambon noir de Bigorre’ designation of origin by means of an abattoir number ink-stamped on the rind, the week number and last digits of the salting year branded on the rind, and the acronym ‘NB’ heat stamped onto the rind, at the base of the trotter.

Unabhängig von den Kennzeichnungsvorschriften besteht die Identifizierung des Schinkens mit geschützter Ursprungsbezeichnung „Jambon Noir de Bigorre“, die auf jedem Schinken angebracht wird, aus der Nummer der Schlachtstätte, die mit einem Stempel auf der Schwarte angebracht wird, aus der Markierung mit dem Feuersiegel auf der Schwarte, bestehend aus der Wochenzahl und den letzten Ziffern des Pökeljahres und dem Sigel „NB“, das mit einem Siegel auf der Schwarte am Pfotenansatz eingebrannt wird.

25. In dentifrices containing sodium bicarbonate and anionic species which can react with sodium and water to precipitate hydrated crystals, the ratio of water to humectants, abrasives, and/or thickeners is adjusted so that the dentifrice has a water activity of no greater than 0.60 so as to greatly reduce the salting out of the anionic species.

26. Curing with salt and sugar may be called salting, salt-Curing, sugar-Curing or honey-Curing.The application of pellets of salt, called corns, is often called corning.Curing in a water solution or brine is called wet-Curing or pickling or brining.Paul Bertolli notes that a pickle contains nitrite in addition to salt.(Bertolli 2003) The Curing of fish is sometimes called kippering.