salutation in Germany

salutation [sæljuːteiʃən] Anrede, Gruß

Sentence patterns related to "salutation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "salutation" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "salutation", or refer to the context using the word "salutation" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Jackson nodded a salutation.

2. He raised his hand in salutation.

3. She threw a kiss as a salutation.

4. Yo-ho-ho - Salutation, expression of delight.

5. The boat tooted its whistle in salutation.

6. The salutation of the letter said, " Dear John. "

7. This Salutation is shown as a complete flow.

8. The salutation of me Paul with mine own hand.

9. This was a kind of salutation to the whole assembly.

10. The old man moved away, raising his hand in salutation.

11. The salutation by the hand of me Paul. Remember my bonds.

12. The salutation and complimentary close are omitted in the block format.

13. Hehis hands above his head in the same salutation he fell.

14. When he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salutation.

15. 21 When he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salutation.

16. The salutation and complimentary close are omitted in the simplified block format.

17. My best salutation are to them - Who know me impertect and love me.

18. " George, I let Mary go yesterday, " was not an unfrequent salutation at the dinner table.

19. It was accompanied by a smile and a salutation from the cashier who paid it.

20. The next question is whether to use a colon, comma, or dash after the salutation.

21. The tricky thing is to judge at what point to raise a hand in salutation.

22. The sun goes to cross the Western sea, leaving its last salutation to the East.

23. Since only the address and salutation differ for each letter, we will not insert variable names.

24. "Aloha" is more than a word of greeting or farewell or a salutation

25. Press Enter twice-once to end the salutation, a second time to insert a blank line.

26. Greeting, welcome, notice, recognition, reception, hail, hailing, salute, salutation He smiled in Acknowledgement and gave her a bow.

27. After the visit is over, the visitor asks for permission to leave and repeats the salutation made upon entering.

28. However, the phrase “good Afternoon” is capitalized in an email introl when it is used as a salutation at the beginning of an email

29. Ye’ll come and find the place where I am lying / And kneel and say an Ave there for me.· A reverential salutation.··Abbreviation of Avenue

30. In 1920s-30s popular as a slang pun for the parting salutation "I'll be seeing you." Related: Abyssinian (1620s; as a breed of domestic cat, 1876).

31. In response to a query regarding EAM's address yesterday at UNSC, it was clarified that the initial parts of all formal addresses contain salutation and courteous references.

32. Bell's preferred salutation, Ahoy-hoy was derived from the nautical term "Ahoy" which in its turn is derived from Dutch "hoi" meaning "hi".

33. Alternative spelling of Curtsey··Alternative spelling of Curtsey 1851, Nathaniel Hawthorne, The House of Seven Gables, Chapter 7: He made a salutation, or, to speak nearer the truth, an ill-defined, abortive attempt at curtsy.

34. Bowing in Japan (お辞儀, Ojigi) is the act of lowering one's head or the upper part of the torso, commonly used as a sign of salutation, reverence, apology or gratitude in social or religious situations

35. well-wishing - compliments, regard, wish — respect - greeting, reception, response, salutation, welcome — accueil, réception - hail - kiss of peace, pax — paix, pouce - welcome — accueil, bienvenu - salute — révérence, salutation, signe de tête - hello, hi, how-do-you-do, howdy, hullo — bonjour, hi, salut - good morning, morning - afternoon, good afternoon — bonjour - military greeting, salute — salut - business card, calling card, card, visiting card — bristol, carte, carte de visite - farewell, word of farewell — adieu, congé - adieu, adios, arrivederci, auf wiedersehen, au revoir, bye, bye-bye, cheerio, goodby, good-by, goodbye, good-bye, good day, sayonara, so long, so long!

well-wishing (en) - respect - Aufnahme, Begrüßung, Empfang, Willkommen — accueil, réception - hail (en) - paix, pouce - Begrüßungsadresse, Begrüßungswort, Begrüßungszeremonie, Willkommensgruß — accueil, bienvenu - révérence, salutation, signe de tête - Tag — bonjour, hi, salut - good morning, morning (en) - bonjour - salut - Besuchskarte, Geschäftskarte, Kärtchen, Karte, Visitenkarte, Visitkarte — bristol, carte, carte de visite - Abschiedswort, Lebewohl, Abschieds-... — adieu, congé - Tschüs!

36. On this beautiful Easter morning, prayers of gratitude for the life and mission of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, fill the Sabbath air while strains of inspiring music comfort our hearts and whisper to our souls the ageless salutation, “Peace be unto you.”

A diesem schönen Ostermorgen erfüllen Gebete des Dankes für das Leben und die Mission unseres Herrn und Erretters Jesus Christus die Luft, während Klänge inspirierender Musik unserem Herzen Trost spenden und unserer Seele den zeitlosen Gruß zuflüstern: „Friede sei mit euch.'

37. The making of Anagrams was an exercise of many religious orders in the 16th and 17th centuries, and the angelical salutation “Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum” (“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee”) was a favourite base; it was transposed to hundreds of variations, as, for example, “Virgo serena, pia, munda et

38. 60 View of Midland Street and Barnsley bus station 56 The Salutation by Evelyn De Morgan 63 Barnsley Girls' High School, Science Class 1973 60 Helen of Troy by Evelyn De Mogan (Courtesy De Morgan Foundation) 60 Wombwell Cemetery Postcard 60 Wortley Hall 63 Portrait of a Lady British School 63 Adelaide Augusta Wilhelmina Dutton, Wife of Sir Henry Hunloke 60 Barnsley Market in …