reversed in Germany

eversed [rivəːst] invertiert, kehrte um, umgesteuert

Sentence patterns related to "reversed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reversed" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reversed", or refer to the context using the word "reversed" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He reversed the car.

2. He reversed around the corner.

3. Suddenly, he reversed himself completely.

4. Time will not be reversed?

5. Plummeting Birthrates aren’t easily reversed

6. He reversed into a tree.

7. Their positions are now reversed.

8. This trend is being reversed .

9. They reversed the flow of water.

10. Writing is reversed in a mirror.

11. The car reversed into a hedge.

12. Bob reversed into a parking space.

13. She reversed into a parking space.

14. He apparently reversed an irreversible hypothermia.

15. Time-reversed acoustics in biomedical imaging

Die Zeitumkehr-Akustik in der biomedizinischen Bildgebung

16. Husband and wife have reversed roles.

17. The decision was reversed on appeal.

18. We had reversed the running order.

19. Engines are reversed to avoid a collision.

20. This increase reversed an earlier price plunge.

21. By the renaissance, this view had reversed.

22. They reversed to shoot through the windows.

23. The car reversed into the loading bay.

24. Here the political gender battle is reversed.

25. This reversed air flow causes India's droughts.

26. The car was reversed through the gate.

27. The Court of Appeal reversed the decision.

28. Another car reversed out of the drive.

29. Decision of the Court of Appeal reversed.

30. This reaction is reversed at low pH.

31. She reversed her car into the garage.

32. His white car reversed through the school gate.

33. Generalized address generation for bit reversed random interleaving

34. He has reversed himself on a dozen issues.

35. They are trying to get the judgement reversed.

36. He reversed his car straight at the policeman.

37. If our positions were reversed, scotland would help.

38. The nation's highest court reversed the lower court's decision.

39. Later kings reversed Shapur's policy of religious tolerance.

40. These charges are automatically reversed by your bank.

41. The committee reversed its decision on import quota.

42. She carefully reversed the lorry up the narrow driveway.

43. However, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura can be reversed with Apheresis

44. This reversed the materialistic concept that conditions determine psychology.

45. Gold completely reversed her position on a hormonal link.

46. After the war the government reversed its foreign policy.

47. Forcomparison studies weused Anisocratic reversed-phase method ofretinol analysis (4)

48. Alternatively the reversed-phase HPLC method can directly be applied

Alternativ kann auch sofort eine Umkehrphasen-HPLC vorgenommen werden

49. Our roles as child and guardian had now been reversed.

50. The German literate reversed this process with the profane French literature.