reviling in Germany

eviling [rivailiŋ] beschimpfend, verunglimpfend

Sentence patterns related to "reviling"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reviling" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reviling", or refer to the context using the word "reviling" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. We should never be overbearing, shrill, or reviling.

2. It is responsible for such damaging things as false testimony, reviling, and slander.

3. He carries on his loose talk to the point of slander or reviling.

4. Synonyms for Blaspheming include cursing, cussing, swearing, abusing, execrating, desecrating, profaning, reviling, anathematizing and imprecating

5. Of grinder.They fab Ambulacrums unlined soliloquies without reviling him, or create swaped him in malfunctions of hawks

6. (Matthew 5:22) We may even be expelled from the congregation for reviling someone.—1 Corinthians 5:11-13.

7. Students had hands on learning experience of the local ecology by touching tide pool animals, turning over rock reviling California Newt and a beach scavenger hunt.

8. Contumely Contumely, or reviling, is an offense against the honor or dignity of another by allegation of moral defect, primarily by speech uttered in his presence but also by writings, gestures, or other acts

9. 1919, The Cornell Countryman (volumes 17-18, page 264) The big economic shiftings and Adjustings pinch us now and then; and we shall save energy if we adapt ourselves forthwith, without reviling the rest of the family

10. To be evil spoken of, reviled, railed at NAS Word Usage - Total: 34 be spoken of as evil 1, blaspheme 4, Blasphemed 6, blasphemers 1, blasphemes 3, blaspheming 4, dishonored 1, hurling abuse 3, malign 2, maligned 1, revile 3, reviling 1, slandered 1, slanderously reported 1, spoken against 1, utter 1

11. 1 Christ letteth go uncondemned the woman taken in adultery: 12 he declareth himself to be the light of the world, and justifieth his doctrine against the Pharisees: 31 he promiseth freedom through knowledge of the truth to those Jews who believed on him: 33 Confuteth their vain boast of being Abraham's seed, and the children of God: 48 answereth their reviling by shewing his authority and