reviled in Germany

eviled [rivaild] beschimpfte, verunglimpfte, verunglimpfte

Sentence patterns related to "reviled"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reviled" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reviled", or refer to the context using the word "reviled" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The old man reviled against corruption.

2. He reviled his opponent unmercifully.

3. She's the most reviled woman in the bible.

4. The bus conductor is being reviled by a rude man.

5. We have been reviled, falsely accused, imprisoned for life.

6. But, although a professed and conforming Anglican, he was often reviled as an atheist.

7. They reviled him, ridiculed him, and cast him out of their city.

8. He was just as feared and reviled as his tyrannical parents.

9. The most reviled form of Baiting uses physical media to disperse malware.

10. The coronavirus pandemic has brought Spanish Bullfighting, long reviled by animal rights campaigners, to a standstill

11. Many will follow their licentious and because of them the way of truth will be reviled.

12. Franklin Frazier’s Black Bourgeoisie was simultaneously reviled and revered—revered for its skillful dissection of one of America’s most complex communities, reviled for daring to cast a critical eye on a section of black society that …

13. Another Bloomsbury hallmark was witty conversation and upper-class snobbery, which has made Bloomsbury reviled in some circles.

14. When being reviled, we bless; when being persecuted, we bear up; when being defamed, we entreat.”

15. Pet. 2 And many will follow their licentiousness , because of whom the way of the truth will be reviled.

16. Blessed were the meek, the persecuted, the reviled, for we would be exalted in the Kingdom of Heaven.

17. He wrote: “When being reviled, we bless; when being persecuted, we bear up; when being defamed, we entreat.”

18. Why should people jump at the chance to become a member of a minority so despised and reviled in so many quarters?

19. Many local officials are corrupt and reviled, but if China's communist leaders stood in free elections they would probably romp home.

20. They often reviled the clergy and riled the congregations of Puritans(sentencedict .com), denouncing all worship but their own as false.

21. Atheists and agnostics have been around since before there was a word thought up to describe them, and throughout history, many have been reviled and revered

22. But about a year ago, Mr. Softy surprised the community by releasing some code into drivers for the Linux kernel, under the previously reviled GPL license.

23. Feared by his enemies, reviled by his father, adored by the Goddess of Beauty, and worshiped by warriors, Ares, a tortured and lonely soul, is the bloodthirsty Greek God of War

24. Pointed at, hated of the world, made a Byworde, reviled, slandered, rebuked, made a gazinge stocke, called puritans, nice fooles, hipocrites, hairbrainde fellows, rashe, indiscreet, vain-glorious, and all that naught is

25. Up to the 1950s Crammers were common, widely used, and often reviled as a necessary evil: a dull grind of lectures, often in spartan surroundings, delivered by care-worn (though often expert) teachers.

26. He isn't, of course, or not in the same way. Unlike Mr Hague, he faces a superannuated government, which has presided over a deep recession and is led by a widely reviled prime minister.

27. The Afterword #105: The 80scast 03/12/2020 By Twang 136 Comments Twang finally finds the key to the pod and virtually gathers with Tiggerlion, Dave Amitri and special guest Hilary to discuss the 80s, a decade beloved and reviled by equal numbers …

28. Like that Brahminist origin myth the Purusha Suktam, the Upanayanam, The celebrated (or reviled) Aryan Invasion (or Aryan Strolling in Through The Open Door) Theory, Varnasrama Dharma, Caste, Untouchability, Magical stuff in the Puranas, Schisms and Controversies, Monier Williams, Friedrich Hegel, Katherine Mayo, Karen Armstrong, Vivekananda

29. ‘He talks Ceaselessly in public about innovation, but privately his administration questions the costs of any worthwhile environmental rule.’ ‘The party is now fielding a 62-year-old candidate who talks Ceaselessly about a forgotten, reviled war.’ ‘They stay in jobs they hate, then complain Ceaselessly that they hate their jobs.’

30. Born with the shame of unmarried parents, the Bastard Bastard is marginalized at best, reviled and banished at worst (not to mention unable to inherit) — but unlike the Heroic Bastard, the Bastard Bastard is also a Bastard in the other sense and the reason for the negative connotation of the word.His Parental Abandonment has created the ultimate Freudian Excuse.

31. To be evil spoken of, reviled, railed at NAS Word Usage - Total: 34 be spoken of as evil 1, blaspheme 4, Blasphemed 6, blasphemers 1, blasphemes 3, blaspheming 4, dishonored 1, hurling abuse 3, malign 2, maligned 1, revile 3, reviling 1, slandered 1, slanderously reported 1, spoken against 1, utter 1