reportable in Germany

eportable [ripɔːtəbl] meldepflichtig

Sentence patterns related to "reportable"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reportable" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reportable", or refer to the context using the word "reportable" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Reportable Account



3. Documentary Evidence establishing the Account Holder's non-reportable status;

BELEGE für den nicht meldepflichtigen Status des KONTOINHABERS.

4. When is a Byproduct reportable and when is it exempted from reporting? A Byproduct may be reportable when it is manufactured for a commercial purpose

5. (ii) Documentary Evidence establishing the Account Holder's non-reportable status;

ii) BELEGE für den nicht meldepflichtigen Status des KONTOINHABERS.

6. the nature and effect of any asymmetrical allocations to reportable segments

Wesensart und Auswirkungen etwaiger asymmetrischer Allokationen für berichtspflichtige Segmente

7. • Acute hepatitis B is a reportable infection in all Canadian jurisdictions.

8. The following procedures apply for purposes of identifying Reportable Accounts among Preexisting Entity Accounts.

Die folgenden Verfahren gelten für die Identifizierung MELDEPFLICHTIGER KONTEN unter den BESTEHENDEN KONTEN VON RECHTSTRÄGERN.

9. (ii)Documentary Evidence establishing the Account Holder’s non-reportable status.

ii.Belege für den nicht meldepflichtigen Status des Kontoinhabers.

10. (ii) Documentary Evidence establishing the Account Holder's non-reportable status.

ii) BELEGE für den nicht meldepflichtigen Status des KONTOINHABERS.

11. Events of all grades may be reportable as serious adverse drug reactions.

12. the nature and effect of any asymmetrical allocations to reportable segments.

Wesensart und Auswirkungen etwaiger asymmetrischer Allokationen für berichtspflichtige Segmente.

13. Coal pile run-off and accidental releases from coal extraction activities are reportable.

14. Adverse information that Antedates a consumer report by more than seven years is not reportable

15. Standard forms, including linguistic arrangements, for the mandatory automatic exchange of information on reportable cross-border arrangements

Standardformblätter, einschließlich der Sprachenregelung, für den verpflichtenden automatischen Informationsaustausch über meldepflichtige grenzüberschreitende Gestaltungen

16. 4.2. all undertakings active in any reportable market(11) that are controlled, directly or indirectly:

4.2. alle auf den betroffenen Märkten(11) tätigen Unternehmen, die unmittelbar oder mittelbar:

17. The following procedures apply for purposes of identifying Reportable Accounts among Pre-existing Entity Accounts.

Die folgenden Verfahren gelten für die Identifizierung MELDEPFLICHTIGER KONTEN unter den BESTEHENDEN KONTEN VON RECHTSTRÄGERN.

18. -Denmark: 2 reportable events (in accordance with Annex IX of the Offshore Safety Directive) and no major accident.

-Dänemark: 2 meldepflichtige Ereignisse (gemäß Anhang IX der Offshore-Sicherheitsrichtlinie) und kein schwerer Unfall.

19. Coroners Court Under the Coroners Act 2003, Coroners are responsible for investigating reportable deaths that occur in Queensland

20. Simultaneous detection of ricinine and Abrine, along with α-amanitin, another potential biotoxin water contaminant, is reportable through the use …

21. Cot -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of March 16, 2021 : Reportable Positions : Nonreportable :----- : Positions : Non-Commercial

22. Latest Updates More news updates Quick Links Dublin District Coroner Under the Coroners Acts 1962-2019, we are responsible for investigating reportable deaths that occur in the district of Dublin

23. Potassium Bichromate: 7778-50-9: 10 pounds: 313c "c" indicates that although not listed by name and CAS number, this chemical is reportable under one or more of the EPCRA section 313 chemical categories

24. • Client Semi-Annual Report and Source of Funding – email us at [email protected] • Reportable Business Relationship Report – email us at [email protected] To speak to the JCOPE Attorney of the Day, email them at

25. Potassium Bichromate: 7778-50-9: 10 pounds: 313c "c" indicates that although not listed by name and CAS number, this chemical is reportable under one or more of the EPCRA section 313 chemical categories

26. Federal Regulations SARA 313 Component CAS-No Weight % SARA 313 - Threshold Values % Anthracene 120-12-7 >95 1.0 0.1 SARA 311/312 Hazard CategoriesSee section 2 for more information CWA (Clean Water Act) Component CWA - Hazardous Substances CWA - Reportable Quantities

27. Know Your Abcs: A Quick Guide to Reportable Infectious Diseases in Ohio From the Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3701-3; Effective August 1, 2019 • Anthrax • Botulism, foodborne • Cholera • Diphtheria • Influenza A – novel virus infection • Measles • Meningococcal disease • Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) • Plague