reportable notifiable in Germany

eportable notifiable [ripɔːtəblnoutifaiəbl] meldepflichtig

Sentence patterns related to "reportable notifiable"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reportable notifiable" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reportable notifiable", or refer to the context using the word "reportable notifiable" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Reportable Account


2. Is meningitis a notifiable disease?


4. Typhoid is an example of a notifiable disease.

5. Documentary Evidence establishing the Account Holder's non-reportable status;

BELEGE für den nicht meldepflichtigen Status des KONTOINHABERS.

6. Access Free-living Amebae infections national notifiable time periods and case definitions

7. When is a Byproduct reportable and when is it exempted from reporting? A Byproduct may be reportable when it is manufactured for a commercial purpose

8. (ii) Documentary Evidence establishing the Account Holder's non-reportable status;

ii) BELEGE für den nicht meldepflichtigen Status des KONTOINHABERS.

9. the nature and effect of any asymmetrical allocations to reportable segments

Wesensart und Auswirkungen etwaiger asymmetrischer Allokationen für berichtspflichtige Segmente

10. • Acute hepatitis B is a reportable infection in all Canadian jurisdictions.

11. The following procedures apply for purposes of identifying Reportable Accounts among Preexisting Entity Accounts.

Die folgenden Verfahren gelten für die Identifizierung MELDEPFLICHTIGER KONTEN unter den BESTEHENDEN KONTEN VON RECHTSTRÄGERN.

12. You see, it turned out to be scarlet fever, which is a notifiable disease.

13. (ii)Documentary Evidence establishing the Account Holder’s non-reportable status.

ii.Belege für den nicht meldepflichtigen Status des Kontoinhabers.

14. (ii) Documentary Evidence establishing the Account Holder's non-reportable status.

ii) BELEGE für den nicht meldepflichtigen Status des KONTOINHABERS.

15. Events of all grades may be reportable as serious adverse drug reactions.

16. the nature and effect of any asymmetrical allocations to reportable segments.

Wesensart und Auswirkungen etwaiger asymmetrischer Allokationen für berichtspflichtige Segmente.

17. Many doctors fail to report cases, even though food poisoning is a notifiable disease.

18. Coal pile run-off and accidental releases from coal extraction activities are reportable.

19. National health authorities may also require specified notifiable communicable diseases to be reported at once.

20. Adverse information that Antedates a consumer report by more than seven years is not reportable

21. Syphilis is a notifiable disease in many countries, including Canada the European Union, and the United States.

22. Infectious Syphilis (Treponema pallidum) yphilis is a disease that has been notifiable since the 1940s in Canada.

23. Standard forms, including linguistic arrangements, for the mandatory automatic exchange of information on reportable cross-border arrangements

Standardformblätter, einschließlich der Sprachenregelung, für den verpflichtenden automatischen Informationsaustausch über meldepflichtige grenzüberschreitende Gestaltungen

24. 4.2. all undertakings active in any reportable market(11) that are controlled, directly or indirectly:

4.2. alle auf den betroffenen Märkten(11) tätigen Unternehmen, die unmittelbar oder mittelbar:

25. The following procedures apply for purposes of identifying Reportable Accounts among Pre-existing Entity Accounts.

Die folgenden Verfahren gelten für die Identifizierung MELDEPFLICHTIGER KONTEN unter den BESTEHENDEN KONTEN VON RECHTSTRÄGERN.