pushed forward in Germany

pushed forward [puʃtfɔːwəd] vorgestoße

Sentence patterns related to "pushed forward"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pushed forward" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pushed forward", or refer to the context using the word "pushed forward" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He repeatedly pushed forward his own claim.

2. Impatiently, we pushed forward into the tunnel.

3. The crowd pushed forward to see the Queen.

4. 3 They pushed forward saps into No Man's Land.

5. He was flabbergasted to discover that even without programmed mutation, evolution pushed forward.

6. Here a girl was being pushed forward into the inner circle with apparent reluctance.

7. The asymmetrical and result oriented approach adopted by us has pushed forward the SAARC process.

8. Within those polished walls Church pushed forward his concept of a public park at Niagara.

9. In figure A the pelvis is pushed forward so that the man is leaning backwards.

10. The aerological results show that the bora is essentially kept by cold continental air and pushed forward in the corresponding direction.

Die aerologischen Daten zeigen, daß dieBora bevorzugt von kontinentaler Kaltluft gespeist wird und in Richtung solcher Vorstöße weht.

11. It gave us the exploration routes of the marvellous men – like Hearne, Mackenzie, Thomson – who discovered and pushed forward over what was, eventually, to be all of Canada.

12. The European Union pushed forward with a controversial plan to rejig bankers' bonuses that would reduce the amount payable in cash and increase the element of shares in bonus schemes.

13. Choreographers Choreographers often have a more durable legacy than dancers. Frederik Ashton and Antony Tudor, both of British heritage, redefined ballet choreography in the mid-20th century and pushed forward the dramatic and psychological narratives of the dance.

14. Nowadays, LESS is getting widespread throughout the world, performed in general surgery, bariatric, urology and gynecology.2,4 However, LESS seems to be pushed forward mostly by the surgeons' Appetence for new developed instruments and thus its application reduces …

15. We had finally concluded that we must stick to the ridge we were on, and we pushed forward, and had such good luck that at 10:10 A.M. we arrived at the pass, the Aneroid barometer marking the elevation of 3,495 feet.

Wir drängten vorwärts und hatten ein solches Glück, dass wir um 10 Uhr 10 am Pass ankamen; das Aneroid Barometer zeigte eine Höhe von 3.495 Fuß an.