pushes in Germany

pushes [puʃiz] schiebt

Sentence patterns related to "pushes"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pushes" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pushes", or refer to the context using the word "pushes" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Nobody pushes me around like this.

2. The pilot pushes the throttles forward.

3. The cape pushes out into sea.

4. Two, the scale pushes you up.

5. Nobody pushes or bumps against others.

6. Leopard Catamarans pushes the boundaries of catamaran design

7. Leopard Catamarans pushes the boundaries of Catamaran design

8. The geeky suitor lost, which pushes the wrong buttons.

9. Website layout that pushes content below the fold

10. The plant pushes out new roots in April.

11. It pushes women into unnatural shapes and ridiculous poses.

12. Which pushes me towards an auto-immune disease.

13. Monday’s cosmic landscape pushes you to exert yourself, Aquarius

14. " To subsidize manufacturing pushes the U.S. down that curve . "

15. Injustice pushes others to redress matters by violent means.

16. He pushes his glasses up his nose with his pinkie.

17. 2018 There were Bicarb, calcium, and epinephrine pushes through an IV.

18. The faster the elevator accelerates, the less the scale pushes up.

19. SEC Pushes For Approval of Ambif - Securities and Exchange [page_title]

20. And what that does is it pushes on the Actin filament

21. The bottom lip fattens and pushes out beyond the lower lip.

22. That force constantly pushes thoughts and inclinations in a materialistic, selfish direction.

23. When her feet touch down after the jump, she pushes off again.

24. It is a perpetual impulse that pushes galaxies apart from each other.

25. Then the White House pushes rare earth subsidies when the energy crisis spiked...

26. Marjorie puts up her fists like a pugilist, groans and pushes him away.

27. When he gives the order,everyone in a small boat pushes out together.

28. Description of Bloodroot: A thick 6- to 8-inch stem pushes out

29. Aurelion Sol pushes his stars farther out, increasing their damage and speed

30. Her parents are very tolerant, but sometimes she pushes them too far.

31. When Elio touches Oliver’s penis through his clothes, Oliver pushes him away.

32. Acloud Recruitment – Vacancy: this batch job pushes new vacancies across to Acloud Recruitment

33. The turning of little wheel (11) moves nut (12) that pushes axles (15).

34. Question: Global economy is going through many pulls and pushes from various sides.

35. Satan often plays on that tendency and pushes us toward becoming fleshly-minded people.

36. During Budding, immature (noninfectious) HIV pushes itself out of the host CD4 cell

37. Acoustic waves exhibit force that pushes objects along the direction of sound propagation.

38. Covid-19 crisis pushes luxury to sharpest fall ever but Catalyses industry’s ability to transform

39. A spike Aerator pushes the soil down and creates a small “hole” in the soil

40. The chief spokesman for the men pushes papers around irritably and kicks at a chair.

41. 27 It's the bra that pushes your boobies up beautifully, but pinches your underarm chub.

42. She pushes the empty frame behind the library books piled on the double sink.

43. Without any adjustments to the cost structure, this premium reduction pushes up the combined ratio.

44. When a parcel of air expands, it pushes on the air around it, doing work (thermodynamics).

45. This squeezes that side and pushes the other side of each Bushing away from the kingpin.

46. Hailing from Oakland, Abstracter have become the forcing hand that pushes their listeners into the darkness

47. Chip Roy Pushes Back after Dems Accuse Him of Glorifying Violence: ‘No Apologies’ By Tobias Hoonhout

48. Arrogance pushes a wise woman away, whereas deep and rich self-assuredness draws her closer

49. This timeworn gem fails to hold up when a global recession pushes nearly all stock markets down .

50. A high - pitched whirring sound begins, and a mechanized double - pronged probe pushes itself into his nose.