pushed back in Germany

pushed back [puʃtbæk] zurückgedrängt

Sentence patterns related to "pushed back"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pushed back" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pushed back", or refer to the context using the word "pushed back" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Burr pushed back on Twitter, as well

2. He pushed back the stool and stood up .

3. Children tend to get pushed back in crowds.

4. He pushed back his chair with a loud scrape.

5. Magnus's army was gradually pushed back into a defensive circle.

6. He took off the boy's cap and pushed back his thick flaxen curls.

7. In March 2015, the release date was again pushed back to March 31, 2017.

8. 26 June: Having arrived at a T-junction, divers were pushed back due to floodwaters.

9. Using a network of small, defended towns and monastic sites, Alan pushed back the Viking advances.

10. The centre of the Muslim army was pinned down and its flanks had been pushed back.

11. He pushed back a long, greasy spike of hair that kept slipping down and pricking his ear.

12. She took a grip on herself, physically pushed back the dark, claustrophobic horror at the point of drowning.

13. With her veil pushed back and her black hood shading her face, she looked rather like a nun.

14. Bagwig definition: an 18th-century wig with hair pushed back into a bag Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

15. She pushed back her hair, as bright as copper in the sunshine that slanted through the big bay window.

16. 25 She pushed back her chair, stood up and crossed the room to open her box of tarot cards.

17. But the current that day was so strong that, for every stroke I took, I was pushed back two.

18. 6 The topsoil could then be pushed back across the site and to all appearances undisturbed agricultural land was left.

19. Her eyes grew accustomed to the dark and she pushed back her heavy plaits of hair, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

20. Later, Kathy pushed back the blankets and moved off to-ward the railing at the far end of the porch.

21. Madison ~ a messy Bouffant pushed back, secured with an elastic art deco inspired hairband with the bangs tucked behind the ears

22. The vehicles are put away again, and the now cold and slightly unappetising evening meal is pushed back into the microwave.

23. After being pushed back enough, Augus drew his sword, Wailing Dark, and continued the fight, recognizing Asura as a worthy opponent.

24. Since the Red Army first attacked nearly a month ago... our troops have already been pushed back to the Polish border

25. Though neither side inflicted notable damage, the German ships were running low on ammunition and were gradually pushed back to the harbour.

26. In a complicated series of maneuvers and counter-maneuvers, Japan pushed back a Russian fleet at the Battle of Port Arthur in 1905.

27. REDWAY When the fuel in front of the grate has been thus Coked, it is pushed back, and a fresh feed introduced in front.

28. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden pushed back on President Trump's broadsides against his son Hunter Biden in a new interview, saying it is “Crass…

29. Women celebrities like Drew Barrymore, Bella Thorne, and Miley Cyrus have pushed back on society's standards of female beauty by growing their Armpit hair.

30. " There are times , " says G . Janakiraman , in charge of the NIOT vessels , " when even at full throttle , the vessel is pushed back by the current .

31. 4 January: Vietnamese forces stormed across the border, opened fire with rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons, and battled with Thai troops before being pushed back.

32. Once Cuticles have been gently pushed back and the excess cuticle and bits have been removed, use a soft sponge buffer to exfoliate the cuticle area and …

33. In France: The Commune of Paris …“Bloody Week” (May 21–28), the Communards resisted, street by street, but were pushed back steadily to the heart of Paris

34. If law enforcement succeeds in mandating interception facilities for every Internet carrier, the industry as a whole could be pushed back into the procrustean bed of conventional telecommunications.

35. And the envelope pushed back, and I was told by the folks at my company that we weren't going to be able to do this for a while.

36. COVID-19 Pandemic Further Alienates Muslim Minority Rohingya Boats full of Muslim minority Rohingya refugees are being pushed back by Malaysia, in part, the government says, over fears of …

37. Abba will have five new songs on the market in 2021, and has pushed back their plans to do a holographic tour to support the music because of the pandemic.

38. As a photographer, Smith pushed back against the sidelining of Black art and subjectivity through scenes drawn inimitably from her own life as an Aestheticized and objectified woman of color.

39. The Cannes Film Festival announced Wednesday that the 2021 edition will be pushed back from its regular mid-May slot to early July, when the seaside Côte d'Azur averages a …

40. Responding to questions from reporters on Tuesday, Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, referred to Hui as an “ Absconder,” and pushed back against suggestions that HSBC’s actions damaged the city’s reputation as a financial center

41. 1 day ago · "Through a swift Counterattack, China manifested that any act that violates its interests or interferes in its internal affairs will be resolutely pushed back," the newspaper wrote

42. The film was originally scheduled to be released in May 2009, but was pushed back to December 2009 to allow more time for post-production on the complex CGI and to give more time for theatres worldwide to install 3D projectors.

43. There are also rumors of a live-action Barbie movie starring Margot Robbie that was hyped up for a 2020 release, however, with several movie releases being pushed back to 2021 and beyond it is not likely to be released anytime soon.

44. Jayapal pushed back against the notion that her proposal is “Confiscatory.” She argued the legislation is about “leveling the playing field.” “You know, I just don’t see how you can say that two cents on every dollar over $50 million is Confiscatory,” Jayapal asserted

45. And in all 42 cases where we have pushed back such demands using existing and legitimate tools like the Right to Information Act, video, audio, or peer pressure, we have successfully obtained whatever our clients set out to achieve without actually paying a bribe.

46. Baobabs are deciduous, and during the dry season (which can last up to nine months), the bare branches of a Baobab resemble a gnarled root system, and make these trees look as if they were pulled up by the roots and pushed back in upside down

47. Those laws are perfectly Ascertainable by labor, and Ascertainable no other way.; They have pushed back their scientifically Ascertainable history almost a thousand years.; On the other hand, simple or cutaneous quittor may occur without Ascertainable cause.; The great east window has a history of its own quite easily Ascertainable on the spot and worthy of research and study.

48. Caffled tangled in a confused mass; "pushed back her tangled hair"; "the tangled ropes" tangled highly involved or intricate; "the Byzantine tax structure"; "convoluted legal language"; "convoluted reasoning"; "intricate needlework"; "an intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology"; "the plot was too involved"; "a knotty problem"; "got his way

49. Caffled tangled in a confused mass; "pushed back her tangled hair"; "the tangled ropes" tangled highly involved or intricate; "the Byzantine tax structure"; "convoluted legal language"; "convoluted reasoning"; "intricate needlework"; "an intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology"; "the plot was too involved"; "a knotty problem"; "got his way