predisposed in Germany

predisposed [priːdispouzd] prädisponierte, prädisponierte

Sentence patterns related to "predisposed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "predisposed" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "predisposed", or refer to the context using the word "predisposed" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. We are predisposed towards unitary authorities.

2. 9 We are predisposed towards unitary authorities.

3. Some people are genetically predisposed to diabetes.

4. 14 German Shepherd Dogs are predisposed.

5. 17 Franklin was predisposed to believe him.

6. 16 Experience has predisposed him to be very secretive.

7. 15 Our bodily systems are predisposed to digest meat.

8. 1 His lifestyle predisposed him to high blood pressure.

9. 13 The novel predisposed him to become a novelist.

10. 3 Certain people may be predisposed to mental illness.

11. 5 Some people are genetically predisposed to diabetes.

12. His early training predisposed him to a life of adventure.

13. The inhabitants are predisposed to rheumatism by the damp climate.

14. 7 He believes that some people are predisposed to criminal behaviour.

15. Apoplectic: ( ap'ŏ-plek'tik ), Relating to, suffering from, or predisposed to apoplexy.

16. 6 The inhabitants are predisposed to rheumatism by the damp climate.

17. 4 Her good mood predisposed her to enjoy the play.

18. 10 And their education and trailing had predisposed them to hard work.

19. 2 His early training predisposed him to a life of adventure.

20. The Basenji is a generally healthy breed, but predisposed to certain health conditions

21. 12 I was predisposed not to like him; maybe he sensed this.

22. There also are certain breeds of dogs that are more predisposed to Bloat

23. Among dogs, German shepherds and golden retrievers may be predisposed to Apocrine tumors.

24. Some research shows that these children are predisposed to stutter, nocturia and stomach, etc.

25. Predisposed Bealle to saddle his place of visit and stay wholesale! cyperaceous Zedekiah Anagrammatises …

26. 21 Researchers have discovered that the children of these patients are genetically predisposed to cancer.

27. Some people are genetically predisposed to symptoms of overactive bladder, the American Urology Association says.

28. 19 People are far more predisposed to making contact with each other than social conventions allow.

29. 8 The president is predisposed towards negotiation and favours a peaceful way of resolving the crisis.

30. The president is predisposed towards negotiation and favours a peaceful way of resolving the crisis.

31. The twentysomethings of the X generation may be more predisposed to quitting a job and drifting.

32. 30 It is of great importance to recognize patients who are predisposed to narrow - angle glaucoma.

33. 11 Hence they were predisposed to secure contracts under the state scheme which preserved their freedom.

34. Those with the Pluto - Moon are innately predisposed to have intense emotional reactions to the around them.

35. 26 With hindsight I can see that I was already predisposed, given the right circumstances, to become anorexic.

36. What Breeds are predisposed to the MDR1 mutation, and may be sensitive to ivermectin and other drugs

37. 25 The twentysomethings of the X generation may be more predisposed to quitting a job and drifting.

38. 24 Such individuals, as in patients who have undergone splenectomy are predisposed to infections and overwhelming sepsis.

39. 28 That corresponds to studies of humans, which finds 10 percent to 20 percent predisposed to shyness at birth.

40. An inability to do that is the price paid for protection from famine by those predisposed to marasmus.

41. Atopic dermatitis is a distinct condition in persons who are genetically predisposed to developing immunoglobulin (Ig) E-mediated hypersensitivity reactions.

42. 23 The natural impulses of mankind were for happiness, and we were predisposed to love one another and love peace.

43. 27 The researchers cautioned that the study only predicts the likelihood that a child will be predisposed to physical prowess.

44. 29 This reduces social and historical circumstances to modifying influences on a cognitive structure predisposed to differentiation and even discrimination.

45. 20 As a result,( those individuals who might be predisposed to aggression were the most sensitive to changes in serotonin depletion.

46. You want to be angry because it makes you predisposed to fight, or depressed, because it keeps you out of circulation a little bit.

47. “Just as allergists look first for allergies and psychiatrists probe for neuroses, hypoglycemia doctors are often predisposed to find a carbohydrate abnormality, and stop there.”

So, wie ein Spezialist für Allergien zuerst nach einer Allergie sucht und Psychiater den Patienten auf Neurosen hin untersuchen, werden auch Ärzte, die sich mit Hypoglykämie befassen, oft geneigt sein, einen fehlerhaften Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel als Ursache zu sehen und dann nicht weiterzusuchen.“

48. 22 The theory states that individuals possess certain characteristics so that they are predisposed to act in a certain way within a given situation.

49. Were they made with some intrinsic defect in the genes right from the start, a sort of design flaw that predisposed them to sin and disobedience?

50. 18 People with predisposed opinions about how their website should look can often have a hard time playing the give-and-take game with their ideas.