militate in Germany

militate [militeit] widerstreite

Sentence patterns related to "militate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "militate" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "militate", or refer to the context using the word "militate" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Facts militate against this opinion.

2. Increased costs militate against further enlargement of the buildings.

3. Two factors may well militate against these benefits.

4. All this did not militate our success.

5. Environmental factors militate against building the power station in this area.

6. The high risks involved in such a business venture militate against finding backers.

7. These fundamental dissimilarities will surely militate against the two communities coming together.

8. Several factors combined to militate against the success of our plan.

9. Rather, it is an examination of constraints which militate for or against plural reference.

10. These fundamental dissimilarities will surely militate against the two communities coming together.

11. The invisible powers of heaven seemed to militate on the side of the pious emperor.

12. We can never promise to sail anywhere in particular, because the weather might militate against it.

13. The two approaches are not mutually exclusive, though efficiency does tend to militate against combinations.

14. 22 We can never promise to sail anywhere in particular, because the weather might militate against it.

15. This would certainly militate against good bonding between the resin matrix and the glass.

16. Even the humdrum tasks are varied enough to militate against a sense of monotony.

17. These provisions are likely to militate against repeat applications and unduly long orders except where strictly necessary.

18. The problem with this Cheerful notion is that circumstances militate against nature in the big city

19. In general, illiteracy and lack of motivation militate against reliability of figures from Third World countries.

20. A person’s own skin color may militate against him in the case of those of another skin color.

21. The very size would seem to militate against action on closure, with the point of non-viability being some way off.

22. Sufficient they must take; but too many would be counter-productive and would militate against surprise and secrecy.

23. Equally, the extension of the traditional practice of periodic redistribution of the land between households continued to militate against individual initiative.

24. Finally, Park suggests that certain aspects of these Bondholder lawsuits arguably militate in favor of treating Bondholder class actions differently than shareholder class actions.

25. Confusable a word or phrase that is easily confused with another in meaning or usage, such as mitigate, which is often confused with militate

26. Those arguments would, therefore, militate in favour of establishing territorial scope and the costs of an investigation as decisive criteria for finding that there is a Union interest in opening an investigation in disregard of the abovementioned case-law.

Mit diesen Argumenten wird somit dafür plädiert, unter Verstoß gegen diese Rechtsprechung die räumliche Reichweite und die Kosten der Untersuchung zu entscheidenden Kriterien für die Feststellung des Unionsinteresses an der Einleitung einer Untersuchung zu erheben.

27. Nevertheless, given that the difference between the two methods is not apparent to the viewer and that the health protection considerations apply to both digital and analogue display processes, there are factors which militate in favour of reaching a common solution, by analogy if necessary, as regards those two image processing technologies.

Da allerdings für den Betrachter ein Unterschied äußerlich nicht erkennbar sei und der Aspekt des Gesundheitsschutzes in gleicher Weise für die analoge und die digitale Darstellungsart gelte, spreche einiges dafür, gegebenenfalls im Wege der Analogie für beide Bildbearbeitungstechnologien zu einem einheitlichen Ergebnis zu kommen.