middling in Germany

middling [midliŋ] mittelmäßig, von mittlerer Sorte

Sentence patterns related to "middling"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "middling" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "middling", or refer to the context using the word "middling" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. a golfer of middling talent.

2. They've had only middling success.

3. The dinner was middling.

4. He says he's only middling today.

5. The middling students achievement are heightened distinctly.

6. Their reception was middling but this was a major triumph.

7. 48 synonyms for Adequate: passable, acceptable, middling, average, fair, ordinary, moderate

8. 'Do you like your coffee weak or strong?' 'Oh, middling, please.'

9. Middling income Middle - income whites have the best blood pressure, but.

10. The principal beneficiaries of these grants were the middling and lesser nobility.

11. Said she: Tom, it was middling warm in school, warn't it ?

12. The great walks with the small without fear. middling keeps aloof.

13. The variety of ages up there - old, middling and my generation.

14. Like the middling farmers of open-field Wigston, they formed the backbone of the community.

15. Bagnio middling of ancient time uses a few coin, that has special use.

16. The Turkish general is a middling-sized, sunburnt man, with eyes as bold and Bellicose as an eagle's

17. The Ossis have been fobbed off with one middling portfolio, transport, and two lightweight ones.

18. Where to stay Berlin has a string of first-class hotels, and not a lot in the middling class.

19. The head is Conical, and of a middling size, with respect to the bulk of the body.

20. This means that a few get top marks, a big bunch get middling marks, and a few come near the bottom.

21. Huge great Brobdingnagian wooden doors open to the King's Cross building site, giving light and air of fair to middling quality

22. Jack had had a good to middling season and with pro-ams and the occasional exhibition match I had earned nearly £8000.

23. Electric power ergograph is a load or device of absorbing power, which mainly is used of measuring power for middling torque.

24. Description: Cotton (Cotton Outlook "CotlookA index"), middling 1-3/32 inch, traded in Far East, C/F beginning 2006; previously Northern Europe, c.i.f.

25. The right Centerpiece can really take a table from middling to magical, adding an element of interest or even become a conversation piece for your guests

26. Backers looks so dang fancy from the outside that, despite their middling rating, I just had to check it out! I stopped by on a busy Saturday morning

27. Accordingly , Law of theft sometimes a punishment of extreme or of middling severity is necessary , sometimes a course of correction and in posing a payment , sometimes only exposing to public shame and ridicule .

28. Countesses A countess is an historical title of nobility in certain European countries, varying in relative status, generally of middling rank in the hierarchy of nobles. Several Countesses have appeared on Sesame Street, all of whom have had relationships with Count von Count

29. Animadvert wood-cutter administrator grupy roboczej Echter Steinsame middling asymptote chuuryuunojousoukaikyuu mark apparent, distant, highly rumah pelacuran charming look, fascinating figure Sikh Hawaii Bunkyuu era (1861.2.19-1864.2.20) false stripe mosaic gynecomastia expression of sympathy hornina feed / feeding dial / disk znak

30. Second floor of a small house, plainly furnished, as Beseemed the middling circumstances of its inhabitants, yet decorated with little curiosities from beyond the sea, and a few delicate specimens of Indian manufacture,--these are the only particulars to be premised in regard to scene and season

31. Lyrics bring back the memories had beautiful song middling armies demonstratively into love-token adolescence, it had weather impugnable withe glumly the world; it had tricuspidate poetrys colonies and secret Atonalisms and it had pectinate the flask of the bail against snacker.Negligible.Pestered, 722, 000 most popular christian funeral songs

32. O ur Almoravid research and design team take us on a guided tour of 11 th-Century Muslim Spain—a patchwork of middling to tiny “taifa” emirates.Al‑Andalus in the Levy & Campaign Series’ second volume presents players a far different political geography to exploit and maneuver across than that of Nevsky.Here we visit each 1085 taifa state and its ruler in turn, with a quick word on