market conditions in Germany

market conditions [mɑːkitkəndiʃənz] Marktlage

Sentence patterns related to "market conditions"

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2. Since then, financial market conditions have improved dramatically.

3. The sale to SCPA on normal market conditions is allowed.'

Ein Verkauf an SCPA zu marktüblichen Bedingungen ist möglich."

4. The sale to SCPA on normal market conditions is allowed.")

5. (e) a policy on prices and terms adapted to market conditions;

e) eine marktgerechte Preis- und Konditionenpolitik,

6. Treatment of bad loans and loans for debt restructuring below market conditions

Behandlung der Not leidenden Kredite und Kredite zur Umschuldung unter den Marktkonditionen

7. Reorganisation and mergers Company restructuring or retrenchment due to changing market conditions

8. The abandonment of grandiose planning intentions was the consequence of market conditions.

9. Shopping malls also adjust to the changed market conditions and they try to elaborate...

Die Untersuchungen haben bestätigt, dass der Grund zum Optimismus weiterhin da ist, denn trotz Meldungen über mögliche Ladenschließungen gibt es reichlich...

10. The amount will be adapted to the specific market conditions on the routes identified.

Dieser Wert wird entsprechend den besonderen Marktbedingungen auf den verschiedenen ermittelten Strecken angepasst.

11. However, in most markets, market conditions rarely approximate the ideal as prescribed by economic theory.

12. In stressed market conditions, investors might suddenly withdraw large sums, resulting in forced asset sales.

13. Findings regarding advance billing for services provided by AZ Servizi to AZ Fly at market conditions

Schlussfolgerungen zur voraussichtlichen Fakturierung der von AZ Servizi erbrachten Leistungen gegenüber AZ Fly zu Marktbedingungen

14. Chromite – Special edition Commodity outlook Chrome ore witnessed challenging market conditions in 2012, especially during 2H12

15. Likewise, cross-border consolidation might accelerate as mergers and acquisitions pick up again following improved market conditions

Die grenzüberschreitende Konsolidierung könnte sich beschleunigen, wenn nach der Verbesserung der Marktbedingungen Fusionen und Übernahmen wieder häufiger werden

16. Forecasters have concluded this to be true due to unforeseen market conditions that may affect Okun's coefficient.

17. An asset’s “Carry” is its expected return assuming that market conditions, including its price, stay the same

18. Market conditions may sometimes account for discrepancies in costs to a charity's carrying out of different functions.

19. The program works to advance these cultural objectives despite the challenging market conditions faced by Canadian publishers.

20. It is firstly up to the Member States to decide on compensation depending on actual market conditions

Die Festlegung der Entschädigung obliegt vor allem den Mitgliedstaaten entsprechend der konkreten Marktsituation

21. Stresses, furthermore, that the margin under heading 2 might actually be lower, as market conditions may change;

betont ferner, dass die Marge in der Rubrik 2 tatsächlich niedriger sein könnte, da sich die Marktbedingungen verändern können;

22. For some of these scenarios it is highly questionable whether they actually represent stressed market conditions at all.

Bei einigen Szenarien ist es sehr fraglich, ob sie überhaupt extrem schwierige Marktbedingungen darstellen.

23. The borrower decided to postpone the transaction until market conditions improved , that person said in October , Bloomberg reported .

24. Despite bumpy market conditions, most of those that joined in September and October have notched up solid gains.

25. Using real-time analytics and advanced statistical modeling, Aqua adapts to market conditions to maximize liquidity capture efficiently.

26. Agrochemical news section mainly provides the latest Agrochemical news ,market conditions,industry hotspot and market reports around the world.

27. The Fed also publishes a "Labor market conditions index" that includes a score based on 19 other employment statistics.

28. Some conveyancers have been loath to prepare the package of documentation set out above because of market conditions.

29. There is untapped agricultural capacity in the Sahel, and all it takes is changing market conditions to activate that capacity.

30. (6)Financial market conditions remain overall favourable in the euro area, against the background of an accommodative monetary policy stance.

(6)Die Rahmenbedingungen auf den Finanzmärkten im Euro-Währungsgebiet bleiben angesichts des konjunkturfreundlichen geldpolitischen Kurses im Großen und Ganzen günstig.

31. • In this sense there was an element of Autarchy in the planning of Kensington and Chelsea, responding to local market conditions

32. Related to this was the need to assist developing countries to improve market conditions domestically for attracting and absorbing foreign investment.

33. The Arbitrageur profits by simultaneously purchasing and selling these securities to take advantage of pricing differentials (spreads) created by market conditions.

34. Hamasaki said the weaker outlooks from the shipping firms was not a big surprise considering lacklustre market conditions in April-June.

35. In this sense there was an element of autarchy in the planning of Kensington and Chelsea, responding to local market conditions.

36. They did not realise that the obligations they were taking on left them with no leeway to cope with worsening market conditions.

37. In a section on "Autarky" in Part II, Chapter III, Mises wrote: Interventionism aims at state control of market conditions

38. About Binate Solutions Businesses today are facing ever-changing market conditions: changing consumer behaviour, new technology, and more data than ever before

39. The volatile market conditions of the 1980s posed an enormous organizational challenge for each of our three case study firms in Britain.

40. (vi) After commencement of the Act, for PPP projects, the concessionaire shall be free to fix the tariff based on market conditions.

41. The rate of interest will take into account the domestic and international market conditions and may vary from one tranche to another.

42. Abstract In many OECD countries in recent years, labour market conditions for workers with low levels of skills appear to have deteriorated.

43. Costar’s suite of online services enables clients to analyze, interpret and gain unmatched insight on commercial property values, market conditions and current availabilities

44. However, the unfinished restructuring of the metal industry, widespread liquidity problems and weak labour market conditions still impede an efficient allocation of resources.

Die noch unvollendete Umstrukturierung der Metallindustrie, verbreitete Liquiditätsprobleme und schlechte Bedingungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt behindern allerdings nach wie vor eine effiziente Ressourcenzuweisung.

45. This transferability allows the fishing fleet to adjust to seasonal fluctuations in the fishery such as changing market conditions, prices and other factors.


Bei der Sondermaßnahme für Italien war von der spezifischen Marktlage in diesem Land ausgegangen worden , d.h . , ganz allgemein gesehen von dem Fehlen von Lagerbeständen .

47. 21 Therefore, there is a need to analyze tax burden under differentiated tax rate under three market conditions, namely perfect competition, monopoly and oligopoly.

48. FIMO’s location in Farmington gives them an understanding of local market conditions, the methods whereby minerals are sold, and royalty distribution to Navajo Allottees.

49. Such changes reflect altered market conditions, the variety of products involved, the different destinations and the different refund rates between male and female animals.

Solche Änderungen spiegeln geänderte Marktbedingungen, die Vielfalt der betroffenen Erzeugnisse, die verschiedenen Bestimmungen und die unterschiedlichen Erstattungssätze für männliche und weibliche Tiere wider.

50. Traders at VLM speak at least two languages, have visited the countries they do business with, and continually keep abreast of market conditions worldwide.