market situation in Germany

market situation [mɑːkitsitʃueiʃən] Marktlage

Sentence patterns related to "market situation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "market situation" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "market situation", or refer to the context using the word "market situation" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The market situation is difficult to evaluate.

2. The Community industry could therefore derive some advantage from this positive market situation.

Der Wirtschaftszweig der Gemeinschaft konnte also in gewissem Maße von der günstigen Marktlage profitieren.

3. It can take up to ten years to readjust to this new market situation.

4. whereas, however, the highest price can be accepted only if it corresponds to the actual market situation

5. Abstract This paper examines the labour market situation of highly skilled immigrants in Canada’s hi-tech clusters.

6. The above margins may be revised from time to time to take account of the market situation.

Die genannten Margen können von Zeit zu Zeit geändert werden, um der Marktsituation Rechnung zu tragen.

7. It is generally understood that mathematical models and algorithms do not work for every instrument or market situation.

8. A latest research report “Veterinary Auscultator Market” 2021 represents an in depth overview of the present market situation and forecast till 2027

9. Nuclear and renewable electricity is excluded from the mix, as they in an actual market situation are normally not displaced by cogeneration electricity.

Kernkraft und erneuerbare Energieträger werden vom Energiemix ausgenommen, da sie in der gegenwärtigen Marktsituation in der Regel nicht durch in KWK erzeugen Strom ersetzt werden.

10. The intervention logic of eContent is kept but adapted to the evolution of the legal framework, the advances in technology and the changed market situation.

Die Interventionslogik von eContent wird beibehalten und der Entwicklung des Rechts rahmens, dem technologischen Fortschritt und der veränderten Marktlage angepasst.

11. Although the proposal' s aim is commendable, it does have a number of shortcomings concerning three issues: the market situation, checks, and the marketing of blended oil.

Wenngleich diese Absicht löblich ist, können gewisse Mängel des Vorschlags nicht übersehen werden. Sie betreffen drei Fragen: die Marktsituation, die Kontrollen und die Vermarktung von Ölmischungen.

12. Research report provided by Reports Monitor Auriscope market, is a Skillful and Deep Analysis of the Present Situation and Challenges.Experts have studied the historical data and compared it with the current market situation.

13. The abolition of intervention for these products may safely be carried out in 2009 since the current market situation and perspectives suggest that intervention would not, in any case, be applicable for them in 2009.

Die Abschaffung der Intervention für diese Erzeugnisse kann unbedenklich im Jahr 2009 vorgesehen werden, da aufgrund der derzeitigen Marktlage und -aussichten nicht damit zu rechnen ist, dass sie in dem Jahr zum Einsatz kommt.

14. Whereas Article 9 (1) of Decision No 234/84/ECSC provides that such rates of abatement may be modified, not later than the first week of the second month of the quarter in question, in the light of the development of the market situation;

15. Whereas Article 8 (1) of Decision No 3485/85/ECSC provides that such rates of abatement may be modified, not later than the first week of the second month of the quarter in question, in the light of the development of the market situation;

Gemäß Artikel 8 Absatz 1 der Entscheidung Nr. 3485/85/EGKS können diese prozentualen Kürzungen aufgrund der Entwicklung der Marktlage spätestens in der ersten Woche des zweiten Monats des betreffenden Quartals geändert werden.

16. (a) Sale of five companies: the joint World Bank/ADB/Commission evaluation mission considered this condition to have been fulfilled, as the stock market situation was so unfavourable that it would not have been reasonable to demand that the three remaining companies be put up for sale.

a) Veräußerung von fünf Unternehmen: Die gemeinsame Bewertungsmission von Weltbank/AEB/Kommission sah diese Bedingung als erfuellt an, da die Börsenkonjunktur äußerst ungünstig war; unter diesen Umständen konnte die Veräußerung der verbleibenden drei Unternehmen nicht mit Recht verlangt werden.