market position in Germany

market position [mɑːkitpəziʃən] Marktpositio

Sentence patterns related to "market position"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "market position" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "market position", or refer to the context using the word "market position" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The clubs may be suspected of abusing a dominant market position in this regard.

2. By fully exploiting their market position currently, monopolistic firms might elicit adverse public opinion and governmental censure.

3. 26 By fully exploiting their market position currently, monopolistic firms might elicit adverse public opinion and governmental censure.

4. In addition we need valid and cross-national information on the labour market position of people with disabilities.

5. 7 By fully exploiting their market position currently, monopolistic firms might elicit adverse public opinion and governmental censure.

6. Leveraging its accumulated years of expertise and intelligent business ventures locally and globally, Artar has attained a leading market position.

7. Leveraging its accumulated years of expertise and intelligent business ventures locally and regionally, Artar has attained a leading market position.

8. Aerial photos are the traditional basis for Hansa Luftbild’s leading market position, a market which increasingly poses demands for new applications and stimulates new requirements.

Das Luftbild ist die traditionelle Basis für die führende Position der Hansa Luftbild am Markt, der zunehmend neue Aufgaben stellt und neue Bedürfnisse weckt.

9. Air Malta holds a significant market position in the local cargo and freighter market (with a market share of 28 % for flights from and to Malta).

Air Malta hat (mit einem Marktanteil von 28 % für Flüge von und nach Malta) eine bedeutende Stellung auf dem lokalen Luftfrachtverkehrsmarkt.

10. In November 2009, The European Commission opened formal anti-trust proceedings against Thomson Reuters concerning a potential infringement of the EC Treaty's rules on abuse of a dominant market position (Article 82).

11. Appreciations, like REVALUATIONS, can adversely affect the profitability and market position of domestic firms by making imports more price competitive in the home market and, similarly, reducing their price competitiveness in export markets.

12. Intel is charged with “abusing” its dominant market position by so called “predatory pricing” (selling below cost) and offering substantial rebates to retain market share and undermine its arch-rival Advanced Micro Devices.

Intel wird vorgeworfen, es habe seine vorherrschende Marktstellung zu so genannten „Dumpingpreisen“ (Verkauf unterhalb der Herstellungskosten) „missbraucht“ und erhebliche Rabatte angeboten, um seinen Marktanteil aufrecht zu erhalten und die Stellung seines Erzrivalen Advanced Micro Devices zu untergraben.

13. By addressing issues such as mergers, abuse of dominant market position, and collusion between competitors, these laws are designed to prevent companies from taking advantage of their customers by fixing prices or skimping on quality.

14. By application allegedly lodged on 21 January 2013, Acacia brought an action against BMW before the Tribunale di Napoli (District Court of Naples (Italy)) seeking a declaration of non-infringement of Community designs, of which BMW is the proprietor, for alloy rims for automobile wheels, as well as a declaration of abuse of a dominant market position and unfair competition by BMW.

Mit verfahrenseinleitendem Schriftstück, das angeblich am 21. Januar 2013 zugestellt wurde, erhob Acacia beim Tribunale di Napoli (Gericht von Neapel, Italien) gegen BMW Klage auf Feststellung, dass die für Autofelgen aus Leichtmetall eingetragenen Gemeinschaftsgeschmacksmuster, deren Inhaber BMW ist, nicht verletzt werden, sowie auf Feststellung eines Missbrauchs einer marktbeherrschenden Stellung und eines unlauteren Wettbewerbs durch Handlungen von BMW.