laid in in Germany

laid in [leidin] eingekellert

Sentence patterns related to "laid in"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "laid in" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "laid in", or refer to the context using the word "laid in" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The city was laid in ruins.

2. Her father was laid in a cemetery.

3. You got laid in an art museum?

4. The old man was laid in a cemetery.

5. The station has six tracks laid in a cutting.

6. Laid in 1969, their color Burnishes into a fiery hue

7. We've just had a new carpet fitted/laid in our bedroom.

8. His body was laid in a tomb cut into the rock.

9. The eggs are then laid in the resulting ball of froth.

10. A thousand miles of rail track laid in less than two years.

11. The squirrel has laid in a store of nuts for the winter.

12. I was wrapped up in warm woolen blankets, and laid in a berth.

13. Ridge tiles are either laid in a mortar bed or are dry-laid.

Firstziegel werden entweder im Mörtelbett verlegt, oder trocken verlegt.

14. Two or three eggs are laid in a small cup nest in a tree.

15. Its eggs are laid in a shallow depression lined with plant material and down.

16. The masonry built using Ashlar stones is rectangular where cuboid blocks are laid in

17. The Bluish color may have helped camouflage eggs laid in open nests, the authors suggest

18. Growing in popularity, author signed Bookplates are "laid-in" (loosely included) in the book

19. The altar had been reestablished and the foundation of the temple had been laid in Jerusalem.

20. Mines were laid in strategic military locations to prevent the advance of troops and protect retreating forces

21. Mushroom Anchors, as the name suggests, are shaped like inverted mushrooms, with the head being laid in

22. In the main room a patterned, violet carpet had been laid in the centre of brown lino.

23. Uginox is lightweight, vandal resistant and can be laid in long lengths, eliminating the need for cross joints.

24. Would you like me to have them skinned, covered with honey and laid in a pit of fire ants?

25. The foundation stone of the 519 feet structure was laid in 1891 and the complex opened at Whitsuntide 18

26. The eggs, 15 to 60 in number, are laid in a nest in the soil or in rotten wood.

27. The lute also provided the music for the game of musical chairs they played, with cushions laid in a row.

28. The foundations of the post-war boom in Britain were laid in those crises at the start of the 1930s.

29. Arching action can be assumed when the following conditions are met (see also Figure 2): masonry wall laid in running bond,

30. Bargello is originally a type of needlepoint embroidery consisting of upright flat stitches laid in a mathematical pattern to create motifs

31. Coursed rubble stone masonry is made with broken stones of widely different sizes and qualities that are laid in level courses

32. We laid in the sun, I walked the beach a few more times, and we Bodysurfed for more than an hour

33. Beyond the familiar figures of the zodiac, the Babylonian constellations have laid in almost total obscurity for the last two thousand years

34. When children are born in Victoria they are wrapped in club-colours, laid in Beribboned cots, having already begun a lifetime’s barracking

35. When children are born in Victoria they are wrapped in club-colours, laid in beribboned cots, having already begun a lifetime’s Barracking

36. Eggs are laid in sandy beaches and hatch about 60–76 days later, with the hatchlings returning to live in the mangrove forests.

37. Beltings, originally established as the renowned Mercury Rubber, was laid in the year 1963, by illustrious Lala Janki Dass, late grandfather of Proprietor, Mr

38. State-run newspaper China Daily said that since the poverty Alleviation program began, 4.2 million kilometers (2.6 million miles) of road had been laid in

39. Be not the schoolbook of compound floor laid in view of the article, do not do here expatiatory , anyway the master can help you do decide.

40. The titanosaur eggs were laid in loose sand. Scientists believe the hatchling had just emerged from its egg when the snake struck, attracted by its movements.

41. After that, it can be laid in the ground and then run through the walls of a building and deployed aerially in a manner similar to copper cables.

42. The 'invention' of the cleidoic egg, and its embryonic membranes, is the main reason why the eggs of an Amniote do not need to be laid in water

43. Alfalfa caterpillar feeding damage is most severe when eggs are laid in recently cut fields, and large populations of developing larvae defoliate the crop before it reaches maturity

44. Much of the first 304 kilometers (189 miles) of pipe was laid in two sections under water, following the course of the Marañon River, a principal tributary of the Amazon.

Ein großer Teil der ersten 304 Kilometer Pipeline wurde in zwei Abschnitten entlang dem Marañon, einem Hauptzufluß des Amazonas, gelegt.

45. The 2-4 white eggs are laid in an unlined cavity high in a decayed section of a living tree, or occasionally in an old woodpecker nest in a dead tree.

46. (Matthew 26:12; Acts 9:37) On the morning following the Sabbath, women friends of Jesus intended to complete the preparation of his body, which had already been laid in a tomb.

47. An abatis, abattis, or abbattis is a field fortification consisting of an obstacle formed (in the modern era) of the branches of trees laid in a row, with the sharpened tops directed outwards, towards the enemy.

48. She watches the nest-building activities of the chosen foster parent, and after one or more eggs have been laid in the nest, the cuckoo deposits one of her own eggs while the other bird is absent.

49. When the floor was re-laid in 1867 it was placed in the floor of the west tower, and subsequently moved into the church where for nearly a century it was propped against the north wall of the aisle.

50. ‘Axillary Amplexus typically results in long strings of eggs being laid in ponds or streams, which hatch into type IV tadpoles.’ ‘Once this headlock - the scientific term is Amplexus - has been achieved, the two can be disentangled only by force.’