lamed in Germany

lamed [leimd] gelähmt

Sentence patterns related to "lamed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lamed" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lamed", or refer to the context using the word "lamed" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. A bullet lamed the soldier for life.

2. Lamed by a cramp, the young girl limped on gamely and won the match.

3. For we who are about to die, we saw a shape in war, a blind, castrated wreck with Cankered mind in flail of fury, saw it lamed,

4. After Kirk's new strategy allowed the Enterprise to catch Khan off-guard by descending and then rising to attack Reliant from behind, Reliant was lamed and adrift, and Khan's followers were dying or dead.

Während des Kampfes wird Khan sein zweidimensionales Denken zum Verhängnis. Die Enterprise kann schließlich mehrere Volltreffer landen und die Reliant nun kampfunfähig schießen.

5. HEBREW WORD STUDY – DEAL Bountifully – GAMAL גמל Gimmel Mem Lamed Psalms 13:6: “I will sing unto the Lord because He has dealt Bountifully with me.” If the Lord would deal a little Bountifully with me I might also do a little singing