laid down in Germany

laid down [leiddaun] hingelegt

Sentence patterns related to "laid down"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "laid down" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "laid down", or refer to the context using the word "laid down" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Hermione sighed and laid down her quill.

2. The others delightedly laid down their papers.

3. 17 The enemy laid down their arms.

4. 4 Penalties are laid down in the statute .

5. A possum laid down the bearded iris field.

6. Strict rules governing blends should be laid down

Mischungen erfordern eine strenge Regelung

7. No rules can be laid down for handling this.

8. I laid down the Boggie and picked up my beer.

9. - keep accounts in accordance with rules to be laid down,

- nach noch festzulegenden Regeln eine Buchhaltung führt und

10. 1 Protection for the consumer is laid down by statute.

11. The conditions laid down to me were not too limiting.

12. 2 Protection for the consumer is laid down by statute.

13. 7 Protection for the consumer is laid down by statute.

14. They laid down their arms, as ordered by their commanding officer.

15. The provisions laid down in ADR ADN do not apply to

16. the number of samples laid down in point 2 is doubled,

ist die Zahl der unter Nummer 2 genannten Proben zu verdoppeln;

17. He laid down the mathematical foundations for computer science, and said,

18. — the number of samples laid down in point 2 is doubled,

— ist die Zahl der unter Ziffer 2 genannten Proben zu verdoppeln;

19. Nowadays, those rules are laid down by the relevant River Commission.

Heute werden diese Vorschriften von den einschlägigen Flussgebietskommissionen festgelegt.

20. The martyr laid down his life for the cause of national independence.

21. Amount actually paid in EUR (after reduction laid down in Article 139)

Tatsächlich bezahlter Betrag in EUR (nach Kürzung gemäß Artikel 139)

22. The gazelle laid down next to Rama, giving him his own life.

23. This is in line with the policy laid down by the management.

24. The auctioneer laid down his gavel.'I'm sorry, the auction is over.'

25. Today, many of the rules laid down then appear anachronistic and unjustified.

Viele der damals getroffenen Regelungen erscheinen heute anachronistisch und ungerechtfertigt und müssen überarbeitet werden.

26. 18 The general laid down a few strategic targets on the map.

27. The design of the transit advice note is laid down in Appendix II.

28. The methods of making such reference shall be laid down by Member States

Die Mitgliedstaaten regeln die Einzelheiten der Bezugnahme

29. (a) the norms laid down for allocation of Haj quota to various States;

30. For the purposes of implementing the tariff preferences laid down in the Agreement

31. The second two were laid down in March 1936 and commissioned in 1938.

32. Memories are also laid down in tandem with the intensity of emotional experiences.

33. We must learn to abide by the principles laid down in God’s Word.

34. (f) the conditions concerning abnormal operating laid down in Annex IV, Chapter VI.

f) die Bedingungen bei nicht normalem Betrieb in Anhang IV Kapitel VI.

35. The unknown heroes shed blood and laid down their lives to intercept the medallions

36. Such projects shall be implemented according to implementing rules laid down by the Commission.

Solche Vorhaben werden entsprechend den von der Kommission erlassenen Durchführungsvorschriften durchgeführt.

37. The first Accentor (AMc-36) was laid down on 21 January 1941 by W

38. The bedrock underlying Birmingham was mostly laid down during the Permian and Triassic periods.

39. Such agreements should be notified according to the rules laid down in this Decision.

Solche Vereinbarungen sollten gemäß den in diesem Beschluss festgelegten Regeln mitgeteilt werden.

40. Groundnuts, nuts and dried fruit not Complying with the maximum levels of aflatoxins laid down in point of Annex I and cereals not Complying with the maximum levels laid down in point …


Bei bestimmten Erzeugnissen mussen ausserdem die zusätzlichen Voraussetzungen erfullt sein , die gegebenenfalls für sie vorgesehen sind .

42. You know the penalty laid down by Roman law for harbouring a known criminal?

43. But she also found osteocytes, which are the cells that laid down the bones.

44. 16 Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears.

45. Bellerophon was laid down in December 1906, with Temeraire and Superb following in 1907

46. 6 Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears.

47. It is laid down that all candidates must submit three copies of their dissertation.

48. Once priorities had been decided, the usual and almost invariable conditions were laid down.

49. Samples shall be taken in accordance with the procedure laid down in International Standard ISO

Die Proben werden gemäß der internationalen Norm ISO # gezogen

50. all the wool contained in that mixture satisfies the requirements laid down in paragraph 1;

die gesamte in dem Gemisch enthaltene Wolle den Voraussetzungen des Absatzes 1 entspricht;