freezing in Germany

freezing [friːziŋeidʒənt] einfrierend, Gefriere

Sentence patterns related to "freezing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "freezing" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "freezing", or refer to the context using the word "freezing" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. I'm freezing.

2. You're freezing.

3. It's freezing!

4. — sampling, sorting, labelling, packing, chilling, freezing, deep freezing, thawing, separation.

— Entnahme von Warenproben, Sortieren, Etikettieren, Verpacken, Kühlen, Gefrieren, Tiefgefrieren, Auftauen, Trennen.

5. Freezing but beautiful.

6. A multifunctional freezer comprises a pipe cooled freezing device (1), an air cooled freezing device (3) and a freezing/ refrigerating compartment (5).

7. Christ, blοοdy freezing.

8. Refrigerating or freezing equipment and absorption heat pumps (excl. refrigerating and freezing furniture)

Einrichtungen, Maschinen, Apparate und Geräte zur Kälteerzeugung sowie Absorptionswärmepumpen (ausg. Kühl-, Tiefkühl- und Gefriermöbel)

9. It's freezing out there.

10. I' m freezing, Randy

11. Freezing Potatoes Without Blanching…

12. It's freezing out here.

13. It's freezing in here!

14. Isn't it freezing outside?

15. It's freezing out, Jeffrey.

16. It's freezing this high up.

17. Even if it's freezing outside!

18. Bundle up! It's freezing outside!

19. Chunky keeps freezing or crashing

20. 6 That water looks freezing.

21. 8 My hands are freezing!

22. A freezing spoon or stirrer can be used to assist, or accelerate, the freezing process.

23. Processing for the purposes of this Article shall be freezing, and filleting or cutting accompanied by freezing.

Als Verarbeitung im Sinne dieses Artikels gelten Tiefkühlung sowie Filetierung oder Zerlegung bei gleichzeitiger Tiefkühlung.

24. Chunky keeps freezing or crashing

25. Nighttime temperatures dipped below freezing.

26. Cooling lines and freezing compartments

Kühlleitungen und Tiefkühlfächer

27. Why is Old Mother freezing?

28. Do cover up: it's freezing outside.

29. 27 Temperatures rarely rise above freezing.

30. 14 It's absolutely freezing out there!

31. Another method of desalinization is freezing.

32. Freezing that metal was particularly clever.

33. Pears that are too ripe will become mushy with freezing and unripe pears will remain hard after freezing.

34. A refrigerator comprising two freezing compartments

35. 13 Bundle up! It's freezing outside!

36. 3 It is freezing cold now.

37. 25 It was freezing last night.

38. 21 Shut the window I'm freezing!

39. 20 The freezing weather continued throughout January.

40. It was cascading rain and freezing cold.

41. Device for preventing freezing of veranda drainpipe, and hot air device coupler for preventing freezing of veranda drainpipe

42. Anthuriums will not stand for freezing temps

43. (b) boning, trimming, packing and blast-freezing;

b) das Entbeinen, Zurichten, Verpacken und Schnellgefrieren des Erzeugnisses;

44. physical processes including dehydration, freezing and grinding

physikalische Verfahren einschließlich Dehydratisierung, Gefrieren oder Mahlen

45. Below freezing/zero (= lower than the temperature at which water freezes) In winter, temperatures dip to 40 degrees Below freezing

46. The paper generalizes the mechanism of freezing injury in cryosurgery, morphology of cryonecrosis and the clinical practice of freezing techniques.

47. Freezing: In brine: | | Dry: | | Refrigerated sea water: | |

Gefrieren: in Lake | | trocken | | in gekühltem Seewasser | |

48. 23 It was a freezing cold day.

49. 4 My colleagues were freezing me out.

50. We wandered back into the freezing bailey.