freezing to death in Germany

freezing to death [friːziŋtoudeθ] erfrierend

Sentence patterns related to "freezing to death"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "freezing to death" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "freezing to death", or refer to the context using the word "freezing to death" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. In contrast to boiling it alive, freezing an invertebrate to death is a humane thing to do.

2. What is Cryonics? Cryonics involves freezing the body to preserve it immediately or very soon after death

3. I'm freezing.

4. Cryonics definition, the deep-freezing of human bodies at death for preservation and possible revival in the future; cryostasis (def

5. A freezing spoon or stirrer can be used to assist, or accelerate, the freezing process.

6. You're freezing.

7. It's freezing!

8. — sampling, sorting, labelling, packing, chilling, freezing, deep freezing, thawing, separation.

— Entnahme von Warenproben, Sortieren, Etikettieren, Verpacken, Kühlen, Gefrieren, Tiefgefrieren, Auftauen, Trennen.

9. Freezing but beautiful.

10. A multifunctional freezer comprises a pipe cooled freezing device (1), an air cooled freezing device (3) and a freezing/ refrigerating compartment (5).

11. Christ, blοοdy freezing.

12. Refrigerating or freezing equipment and absorption heat pumps (excl. refrigerating and freezing furniture)

Einrichtungen, Maschinen, Apparate und Geräte zur Kälteerzeugung sowie Absorptionswärmepumpen (ausg. Kühl-, Tiefkühl- und Gefriermöbel)

13. It's freezing out there.

14. I' m freezing, Randy

15. Below freezing/zero (= lower than the temperature at which water freezes) In winter, temperatures dip to 40 degrees Below freezing

16. The temperature dropped to freezing point last night.

17. Freezing Potatoes Without Blanching…

18. It's freezing out here.

19. It's freezing in here!

20. Freezing beyond this level proved lethal to frogs.

21. Isn't it freezing outside?

22. In winter, temperatures dip to 40 degrees below freezing.

23. They went out in freezing conditions to shovel snow.

24. It's freezing out, Jeffrey.

25. Water molecules in hydrogels were classified into three categories according to phase transition behavior; non-freezing, freezing bound and free water.

In Übereinstimmung mit dem Phasenum wandlungsverhalten werden Wassermoleküle in Hydrogelen in drei Kategorien eingestuft; nicht gefrierendes, gefrierendes gebundenes und freies Wasser.