frequency distribution in Germany

frequency distribution [friːkwənsiːdistribjuːʃən] Häufigkeitsverteilung

Sentence patterns related to "frequency distribution"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "frequency distribution" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "frequency distribution", or refer to the context using the word "frequency distribution" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. They all have their own type of frequency distribution, but it's robust.

2. A condensation method of measuring the size frequency distribution of Aitken nuclei is described.

Es wird eine Kondensationsmethode zur Messung des Häufigkeitsspektrums der Größenverteilung von Aitken-Kernen beschrieben.

3. For this case we have the following frequency distribution given associated to the Aboundances of each species

4. Frequency distribution ofTheileria positive acini in infected ticks revealed a low density of infection per infected tick.

5. The wireless access link signal (20) comprises low power radio frequency distribution using empty UHF/VHF TV channels.

6. And I have to explain to you, the top of this graph shows you that frequency distribution that I talked about.

7. Frequency distribution of radial Canaliculi (θ < 30°) (top) and lateral Canaliculi (θ > 60°) (bottom) as a function of the azimuthal angle α for all four investigated samples

8. By setting up a frequency distribution of the anal plate length and by simultaneous measurement of new and old anal plate during molting it was possible to separate different developmental stages.

Die Analplattenlänge von Crawlern/Settlern (=erstes Larvenstadium) lagen im Bereich von 0,030–0,054 mm, des ersten und zweiten Nymphenstadiums im Bereich von 0,066–0,900 mm und 0,102–0,150 mm.

9. The influence of Autecologic and taphonomic processes in establishing the characteristics of the size-frequency distribution by comparing these assemblages with those from the nearby continental slope and a nearby coastal embay­ ment, Copano Bay

10. 2.7 A histogram is a bar chart type of display of a frequency distribution, with each bar representing a category, and the height of each bar representing either the absolute or the relative amount in that category.

11. Frequencies[Bigram] += 1 #Read the next chunk of text, and set all letters to lowercase text = return if __name == '__main': #Initialize the frequency distribution, a Subclass of collections.Counter frequencies = FreqDist() #The order of the ngrams is the first command line argument ngram_order = int(sys.argv