exactly in Germany

exactly [igzætliː] genau

Sentence patterns related to "exactly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "exactly" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "exactly", or refer to the context using the word "exactly" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Exactly.

2. Where, exactly?

3. TH: Exactly.

4. Karen: Exactly.

5. Exactly as written.

6. It's exactly alike.

Das sieht exakt gleich aus.

7. Exactly, back out.

8. Language - exactly matches - "fr"

9. It's not exactly MOMA...

10. If C is an obtuse triangle then it admits exactly one inscribed square; right triangles admit exactly two, and acute triangles admit exactly three.

Wenn es sich bei C um ein stumpfwinkliges Dreieck handelt, dann kann es genau ein eingeschriebenes Quadrat geben, bei rechtwinkeligen Dreiecken kann es genau zwei geben, und spitze Dreiecke lassen genau drei zu.

11. What exactly is pollen?

12. What exactly... did we do?

13. Exactly is like what people?

14. It's exactly what homophobic means.

15. This isn't exactly your playground.

16. What is harness racing, exactly?

Was ist Trabrennen eigentlich genau?

17. The story's exactly the same.

18. Knew exactly where I was.

19. Not exactly a proper burial.

20. Not pals, exactly, but companionable.

21. 'Not exactly, sir,' temporized Sloan.

22. They were not exactly aboveboard.

Sie waren nicht ganz ehrlich.

23. She looks exactly like you!

24. You haven't exactly been subtle.

25. Eve nodded, almost approvingly. "Exactly."

26. That doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

27. The murder wasn't exactly premeditated.

28. That's exactly how it happens. "

29. You'll follow my instructions exactly.

30. I wasn't exactly thinking straight.

31. Yeah, exactly, the blue stuff.

32. Exactly when did sin begin?

33. Coinciding exactly when superimposed: Congruent triangles

34. Awakened does exactly what it advertises

35. Don't exactly know what moxie is.

36. Try to recall exactly what happened.

37. When exactly did the incident occur?

38. We don't exactly have a routine.

39. Exactly how hideous had it been?

40. They're not exactly on the breadline.

41. - And that's exactly what Colorism does

42. I actually figured it out exactly.

43. I know exactly who you're describing.

44. I know exactly how you feel.

45. They don' t exactly lock down

46. The numbers add up to exactly

47. It is not exactly arcane knowledge.

48. Bazil's was exactly what I wanted

49. Exactly suitable; appropriate: an Apt reply

50. D Exactly above the sampling outlet