exalting in Germany

exalting [igzɔːltiŋ] erhöhend, verherrlichend

Sentence patterns related to "exalting"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "exalting" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "exalting", or refer to the context using the word "exalting" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Apotheosizing: as in magnifying, exalting

2. (Ezekiel 18:4) Is he exalting himself and drawing a personal following?

3. In the history of mankind, how many exalting thoughts still have come into being?

4. Antonyms for Calumnious include complimentary, approving, commending, exalting, praising, laudatory, flattering, admiring, kind and nice

5. Men were departing from the word of God, and exalting theories of their own invention.

6. Viewed from this perspective, enduring to the end is exalting and glorious, not grim and gloomy.

7. With that concluding word, the whole assembly, exalting their pilgrim's staves, rushed round me in a body.

8. We are warned against ‘exalting our horn on high’ in that we should not take on a proud or arrogant attitude.

9. No, I mean you know, cabernets can be powerful and exalting too, but they seem prosaic to me, by comparison.

10. Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind.

11. Genuine pure perfume exalting the magical freshness and elegance of Citruses with exceptional lasting power thanks to very high concentrations of essential oils

12. If we closely follow Jesus’ footsteps by maintaining daily, consistent activity in publicly exalting Jehovah, we will experience joyful, happy results.

13. The scribes and the Pharisees were arrogant and harsh, haughtily demanding exalting titles and sneeringly dismissing the crowds as “accursed people.”

14. It will check us from exalting ourselves in the presence of the lowly, it will not be abashed in the courts of the mighty of the earth.

15. The year was 1716 when Venetian coffee shop merchants began distributing leaflets exalting their new product: coffee. This may be the first example of advertising for coffee shops.

16. These can be inspired by an exalting piece of music, by the serene happiness we sometimes feel in nature, or by the most ordinary everyday situation.

17. It bases on the principle of self-respect, 'self-cherish and freedom, such principle comes out through the aspiration for the official career as well as exalting individual life style.

18. If we're not ready to strip religion of its sacred cow status, how 'bout we at least scale back a little on the constitutional dogma exalting it as all get-out?

19. Although a door hinge or a light fixture clearly has a lesser purpose than an altar in a sealing room, such lesser pieces contribute to the temple’s ultimate, exalting purpose.

Auch wenn eine Türangel oder eine Lampenhalterung offensichtlich einem geringeren Zweck dienen als ein Altar im Siegelungsraum, tragen doch auch diese unbedeutenderen Teile zum göttlichen Zweck des Tempels bei.

20. Bibliolatry is defined as “excessive reverence for the Bible as literally interpreted.” Those who accept God’s clear words in Genesis as true history are often accused of worshipping the Bible and exalting it above Christ Himself.

21. Adorned is a Christ-exalting, mind-renewing, life-altering presentation of Titus 2 that will help women, young and old, embrace their call to learn from one another, to the glory of Christ our Savior.

22. His reputation as an accompanist tended to obscure his talents as a symphonic conductor, and later, his detractors in New York "damned him with faint praise by exalting his powers as an accompanist and then implying that that was where it all stopped."

23. Beneficial Afflictions For Humility Afflictions, Benefits Of Satan, Work Of Afflictions Of Ministers Damage To The Body Signs Of Possible Demon Possession Satan harassment Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to