examining magistrate in Germany

examining magistrate [igzæminiŋmædʒistreit] Untersuchungsrichte

Sentence patterns related to "examining magistrate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "examining magistrate" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "examining magistrate", or refer to the context using the word "examining magistrate" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The process passes into its second stage when the prosecutor submits his dossier to an examining magistrate.

2. Nevertheless, the judgment in Pretore di Salò acknowledged that body - which, as I have pointed out, combines the functions of an examining magistrate and a prosecutor - to be a court or tribunal, even though it conceded that many of its functions were not of a strictly judicial nature, that it to say, they were not directed towards settling a legal dispute.

Ungeachtet dessen hat das Urteil Pretura Salò dieser Einrichtung, die, wie ich bereits angesprochen habe, über die Befugnisse sowohl eines Ermittlungsrichters als auch eines Staatsanwalts verfügt, die Gerichtseigenschaft zugebilligt, obwohl eingeräumt worden ist, dass viele ihrer Tätigkeiten keinen eigentlichen Rechtsprechungscharakter haben, also nicht der Lösung eines rechtlichen Konfliktes dienen.