epileptics in Germany

epileptics [epileptiks] Epileptike

Sentence patterns related to "epileptics"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "epileptics" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "epileptics", or refer to the context using the word "epileptics" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. We read that Jesus miraculously cured lepers, epileptics, and blind or paralyzed ones.

2. These abilities have been most clearly shown for some epileptics whose corpus callosum has been severed.

3. On alternative psychoses of paranoid nature in "forced normalisation" (Landolt) of the electroencephalogram of epileptics".

Über alternative Psychosen paranoider Prägung bei „forcierter Normalisierung“ (Landolt) des Elektroencephalogramms Epileptischer.

4. Also patron of epileptics and runaways; she is invoked against diabolic possession and mental disorders.

5. Experts therefore encourage epileptics to get proper rest and to exercise regularly in order to reduce stress.

6. The changes of the VEP in epileptics were demonstrated in 4 examples: 1. residual epilepsy, 2. epilepsy with agenesia of the corpus callosum, 3.

Die Veränderungen des VRP bei Epileptikern wurden an vier Beispielen demonstriert: 1. Residualepilepsie, 2. Epilepsie bei Balkenaplasie, 3.

7. They brought to him all who were sick, Afflicted with various diseases and torments, possessed with demons, epileptics, and paralytics; and he healed them

8. Also, relatively low levels of biotin have been reported in the urine or plasma of patients who have had a partial gastrectomy or have other causes of achlorhydria, burn patients, epileptics, elderly individuals, and athletes.

9. Toennis' material of 1294 epileptics is reviewed and the fact stressed, that only about one quarter of the patients, i. e. 312, showed conditions warranting surgery, and that even in focal epilepsies only a quarter was operated upon; this material comprises merely symptomatic epilepsies of other than tumorous or angiomatous origin.

Es wird über dasTönnissche Krankengut von 1294 Anfallspatienten berichtet und hervorgehoben, daß nur etwa ein Viertel — 312 Patienten — die Voraussetzungen für eine operative Behandlung des Anfalleidens boten und daß selbst von den fokalen Anfällen nur der vierte Teil operiert wurde; es handelte sich ausschließlich um symptomatische Anfallsformen nicht tumoröser oder angiomatöser Genese.

10. In the fifth century BC Hippocrates (460–377 BC) noted that malarial fever could have a calming effect in epileptics ‘febrem convulsioni supervenire melius est, quam Convulsionem febri’, in other words ‘fever resolves spasm’ (Marks, 1817), while the Roman encyclopaedist Aulus Cornelius Celsus (25 BC – AD 50) suggested for the treatment of dropsy (oedema) heated sand and warm baths (Adams, 1834).